ok time for a new blog.
I am really liking island life. Everything is just slower. No one is in as much of a hurry. Since the community is small everyone helps out each other. It is nice. But, I do need a trip to a bigger place soon. I am running out of a lot of things I can not get here.
This is the longest I have ever gone with out a job. On the one hand it is nice not having to get up and go to a job. On the other it is boring doing the same stuff all the time. I may try and get some part time work doing something here.
Lately I have been missing dancing for some reason. Which is weird because I really did not like it when I was doing it. I guess it is easy to forget the bad stuff and just remember the fun stuff.
I am really liking island life. Everything is just slower. No one is in as much of a hurry. Since the community is small everyone helps out each other. It is nice. But, I do need a trip to a bigger place soon. I am running out of a lot of things I can not get here.
This is the longest I have ever gone with out a job. On the one hand it is nice not having to get up and go to a job. On the other it is boring doing the same stuff all the time. I may try and get some part time work doing something here.
Lately I have been missing dancing for some reason. Which is weird because I really did not like it when I was doing it. I guess it is easy to forget the bad stuff and just remember the fun stuff.
hey! glad you are liking the island...hope you are doing great!
I need some island life.. I miss Hawaii..