I hope 2011 brings you peace, love, lots of adventure and living the dream <3
Much of yesterday was spent clearing out the clutter and preparing for my new life in 2011. I bagged up belongings I don't use, clothes I don't wear and other crap I hoard and took a trip to the landfill, then local charity. Dumped it all, it felt great. I still have a little more I want to get rid of yet...
At this point in my life (and after a rather tumultuous 2010) I feel void of attachment to material things. I just want to make way for better things... new friends, lovers, opportunities, escapades and I can't do that clinging to the past.
So I'm starting over, starting right now.
Currently all I have to my name is packed into five storage boxes in my parents guest room. I'm not writing this to sound like a downer
I mean it to be a good thing!!! 2011 will be a darling year and I'm ready for change.
I celebrated New Years Day buying something I love and know will make me feel good for weeks to come... soft, new sheets for my bed! I don't know why but there's something about new sheets on a bed that is sooo comforting <3
I stayed out until well after midnight drinking coffee and eating french fries with a good friend. Lots of laughs. My sides were literally aching by the time I got home. All in all, a rad day. I hope the good times keep rolling hehe.
What are your hopes for 2011? How did you spend New Years?
xo AE
ps. If you haven't already please leave some good vibes on Zombia's latest set Pretty In Ink. It's almost at 800 comments and.. wow.. that would be freakin unreal
Thank you so much everyone!

I hope 2011 brings you peace, love, lots of adventure and living the dream <3
Much of yesterday was spent clearing out the clutter and preparing for my new life in 2011. I bagged up belongings I don't use, clothes I don't wear and other crap I hoard and took a trip to the landfill, then local charity. Dumped it all, it felt great. I still have a little more I want to get rid of yet...
At this point in my life (and after a rather tumultuous 2010) I feel void of attachment to material things. I just want to make way for better things... new friends, lovers, opportunities, escapades and I can't do that clinging to the past.
So I'm starting over, starting right now.
Currently all I have to my name is packed into five storage boxes in my parents guest room. I'm not writing this to sound like a downer

I celebrated New Years Day buying something I love and know will make me feel good for weeks to come... soft, new sheets for my bed! I don't know why but there's something about new sheets on a bed that is sooo comforting <3
I stayed out until well after midnight drinking coffee and eating french fries with a good friend. Lots of laughs. My sides were literally aching by the time I got home. All in all, a rad day. I hope the good times keep rolling hehe.
What are your hopes for 2011? How did you spend New Years?
xo AE
ps. If you haven't already please leave some good vibes on Zombia's latest set Pretty In Ink. It's almost at 800 comments and.. wow.. that would be freakin unreal

Thank you so much everyone!
I love new sheets... and french fries
Sounds like 2011 is going to be your year, beautiful! Thanks for the friend request!