So so so tired. I really need a vacation. Look at me.
Don't you think I really need a vacation? I look like a zombie.
Anyway, it's a bit my fault, I tend to think I'm a modern Wonder Woman: work more than 35 hours a week, then go out everynight 'til 1 am at least, and on saturday night, party 'til 6 am. Well, what can I do? I love going out, I love partying, I can't stop doin' it. So maybe, I have to stop working?
Oh, I almost forgot, Parisian people (and all people going to Paris), you should really go to the Palais de Tokyo see the Steven Parrino exhibition, La Marque Noire.
And you know what? I fell in love with Dylan, (And a lot of other Suicide girls, actually )