Hey there!
I'm new on SG, I finally decided to subscribe when looking at all the fun in my life these times which is: work - work - work -... oh, and did I mention work again???
I'm still a student (last year of study, it's frightening!), but I've started work experience in a very famous NGO in Paris (yes! I'm french!), and I love it! I hope they'll hire me in the end, even if I doubt it...
Well, what else about me? I really love music, books! and going out a lot, partying!
I guess I run out of things to tell you about me... But don't worry, you'll get to know me, at least a bit! I guess I am a bit shy at the moment
I wanted to post another picture of me but someone stole my camera from me... (Guess who? My boyfriend! He always stoles the good stuffs I own!
When he comes back tomorrow, be sure he'll pay for this
Well, see you!
I'm new on SG, I finally decided to subscribe when looking at all the fun in my life these times which is: work - work - work -... oh, and did I mention work again???
I'm still a student (last year of study, it's frightening!), but I've started work experience in a very famous NGO in Paris (yes! I'm french!), and I love it! I hope they'll hire me in the end, even if I doubt it...
Well, what else about me? I really love music, books! and going out a lot, partying!
I guess I run out of things to tell you about me... But don't worry, you'll get to know me, at least a bit! I guess I am a bit shy at the moment

I wanted to post another picture of me but someone stole my camera from me... (Guess who? My boyfriend! He always stoles the good stuffs I own!

Well, see you!

Je me dis que ce qui se passe prsentement est pour amliorer l'avenir, en vue de jours meilleurs, ca aide tu sais.
Merci pour toute l'aide
Bisoux xo
sinon oui c'est clair que le deux roues Paris c'est plus dangereux que la voiture. Enfin bon je prenais le priph tout les jours pour aller au boulot en moto et il ne m'est jamais rien arriv, j'aurais du me douter qu'il allait se passer un truc un de ces 4. Par contre faire du vlo en intra muros c'est encore un peu jouable je trouve car tu as de plus en plus de pistes cyclables et puis notre cher maire adore en plus. Il lance un projet de stations de prt de vlos 1. Tu pourras prendre un vlo comme on prend le mtro. Enfin bon, y'aura toujours des automobilistes pour foutre la m...
bon courage pour ta soutenance de mmoire.