Yeah, it's really hard to try and love yourself. Been trying for a long time, be trying for a long time to come. And it's not just the body either but that's the thing that you can actually see, that you can focus on. Sucks eh?
Bodies are bodies ... I think if we all looked the same, we'd be bored (that's my mom talking there).
But you look great - we all think so!
Good luck on the loving yourself bit ... takes time but you'll get closer little by little!
Haha, I grew up in El Sob. Lived there for almost ten years before I went down to UCSB.
One love!
And I'm pleased to see that my people have excellent taste in movies.
...Oh, and I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Did Darren have an identical twin brother? Because that name is damn familiar. Carriage Hills, Olinda grade school... nah, it's been too long. I can't remember for sure. RIP.
I would say don't, but then again, it really depends... like how far away are you? Can you deal with not seeing them? Do you have enough trust in that person to not be flim flamming behind your back?
All in all it's really hard. I was in one for about 6 years. Tough. But when we got to actually be together in the flesh, it was all worth it. Now I don't see how I did it.
It's all preference really... Do what makes you happy.
I'm so sorry about everything that's happened. If your bored and shit some night you can message me. I'm pretty much on any time past midnight due to my long work hours. I'm too waiting to go to college so it's work work work for me as well. So if you're ever bored...
and the Universe within was fun
but then i went to jail