I spent today at the most beautiful wedding. An amazing celebration, heart felt readings and teary vows.
Weddings make me cry. It doesn't matter who it is, or what the circumstances are, but knowing those two people have found their forever is just awe inspiring. I am bad at handling my emotions anyway, and watching people commit to togetherness gets me every time. I know I will cry at my own wedding too.
My task for you: Time to dust off the old cliches and sieze the day. If there's something you've been putting off for a special occasion, someone you have regrets about losing touch with... now's the time to fix it.
Congratulations to Them
Weddings make me cry. It doesn't matter who it is, or what the circumstances are, but knowing those two people have found their forever is just awe inspiring. I am bad at handling my emotions anyway, and watching people commit to togetherness gets me every time. I know I will cry at my own wedding too.
My task for you: Time to dust off the old cliches and sieze the day. If there's something you've been putting off for a special occasion, someone you have regrets about losing touch with... now's the time to fix it.

Sooooo good to see you, hon. Hope it won't be the last time.

it was good to see you! (although i was three sheets to the wind and don't really remember it!)