EDIT Does anyone in Chicago have a sleeping bag or something I can borrow for a few days please? I have three friends coming to stay and only enough blankets for 2...
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Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who was concerned about my crap-ass job situation, especially the couple that called to make sure I was okay.
I don't feel like giving a proper update right now, since it is just too ridiculous, but the main points are:
1. Yes, I got fired on Thursday (along with the rest of my team)
2. Yes, my ex-boss is still a total psycho, culturally & sexually inappropriate, socially retarded, and has a whole host of disorders which mean he shouldn't be running a business.
3. Unfortunately, my ex-boss will become my boss again on Tuesday, because he is not actually allowed to fire me and because I have at least 2 more weeks to go to satisfy my Visa requirements.
Although it just sounds like a bunch of buzz-wordy junk, I actually do view this as an opportunity to make some much needed changes that I didn't have the balls to make in the past.
Life... well life is awesome. I am completely in love with the boy, totally hot for the Cat and basically things are moving along prettily. Only downside is I am pretty sick
... I feel like I'm having a relapse of glandular fever. It doesn't look like it, but it feels like my glands are the size of tennis balls. I HATE BEING SICK. Especially on weekends.
Today I slept til after 1pm, then bummed around watching old movies for the day and napping on & off (I'm sick, remember). Had a minor disagreement with the boy, leading to an hour + long session of hot hot make up sex on the couch, which was by far the highlight of my day.
Now its time for bed. Mmmmmmmmmm bed....
How's your weekend? What's the highlight? If you haven't had one yet, what do think it will be??
Back to your regularly scheduled programming
Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who was concerned about my crap-ass job situation, especially the couple that called to make sure I was okay.
I don't feel like giving a proper update right now, since it is just too ridiculous, but the main points are:
1. Yes, I got fired on Thursday (along with the rest of my team)
2. Yes, my ex-boss is still a total psycho, culturally & sexually inappropriate, socially retarded, and has a whole host of disorders which mean he shouldn't be running a business.
3. Unfortunately, my ex-boss will become my boss again on Tuesday, because he is not actually allowed to fire me and because I have at least 2 more weeks to go to satisfy my Visa requirements.
Although it just sounds like a bunch of buzz-wordy junk, I actually do view this as an opportunity to make some much needed changes that I didn't have the balls to make in the past.
Life... well life is awesome. I am completely in love with the boy, totally hot for the Cat and basically things are moving along prettily. Only downside is I am pretty sick

Today I slept til after 1pm, then bummed around watching old movies for the day and napping on & off (I'm sick, remember). Had a minor disagreement with the boy, leading to an hour + long session of hot hot make up sex on the couch, which was by far the highlight of my day.

How's your weekend? What's the highlight? If you haven't had one yet, what do think it will be??

yea. i do try different breathing techniques. and visualization stuff. and i always pound back the water to try to keep down the nausea! i guess (know) that we all have our own things we need to do.