Post Halloween and I wake up way earlier then I had hoped with the after taste of whiskey and smoke still on my breath. As if I did not see enough skin last night I pick my phone up to see what new beauties are gracing the front page of SG.
You can look at my page rather quickly and see I have involvement here and there but I am not overly outspoken. SG girls is my Web version of people watching (with the added benefit of most of them being beautiful naked women). I cruise blogs and see what interesting and thought provoking things people have to say. The community as a whole is great and while I don't agree with everything or everyone I feel these differences are what makes SG a great community.
Bouncing around this morning though I am mainly focusing on the hopefuls (I love my OG SGs but like new blood;). But kind of got thrown off a bit when trying to look at profiles. I see this growing trend of hopefuls who have empty profiles and little to zero activity. They have hopeful sets (brand spanking new most of them) with hundreds of followers and yet follow ZERO people themselves. I find this kind of off putting to a certain degree. I see it as a form of "like" collecting narcissism. I understand some of the profiles could be dead or abandoned, but when you threw up a selfie just a day ago, I tend to feel you forgot to unlink your IG or (since the photo is of your tits and not on IG) you are simply collecting fan boys.
I am pretty sure @missy and other top site players @rambo take these things into consideration when choosing the line up for the site. I guess this is my hope for Hopeful SGs; join in the community. I appreciate you sharing your pictures with us, but with no substance behind them that is all they are "pictures".
Hope everyone had a safe Halloween. Maybe one day I will figure out why my IG does not post to SG any more.
Also please cut me a little slack of fat fingerings this post as I am still a little foggy from prior nights events😈 and typing from my phone😅. Be well all. #hopeful #hopefuls