I was tagged by @kpitaokverna to answer an animal Q&A.
- What was your first animal?
When I was a little kid, I've lived in a very small house with a gigantic garden area. We had lots of pets there: from wild birds we feed with fresh fruits to two old tortoises that were very lovable. I grew up with lots of animals, and surrounded by nature. I miss my early childhood so much! But my first animal that was mine and mine alone is my cat Gisele. I had her for 9 years now, she's chosen me as her human (very crazy adoption story - forced adoption, to be honest, I didn't have a choice).
- Which animals did you have in your life?
Birds, cats, mices, hamsters, rabbits, dogs, fishes, tortoises, a turtle, crabs, earthworms. I'm probably forgetting some lol
- What kind of animals do you have now?
Two cats.
- Your spirit animal?
My cat, Gisele.
- If you could choose to be a animal for one day.
A cat. Eat, sleep, be petted, and play all day? I'm all for it.
- Do you have animal tattoo's?
Two cats, and a dino.
- What is your fav animal print?
Don't really have one.
- If you would have all the time, space and money in the world which animal would you love to have?
All of them.
- Do you have a last message?
Take good care of animals, they're sentient beings.
If you like animals, feel free to answer the questions! I won't tag anyone here because I'm too lazy to do so! lol
This purrfect guy sleeping on top of a warm pizza box is Odin. He turned 9 this year.
This little lady sleeping on the couch with airplane ears is Gisele. She's my favorite person (person?) in the whole world. She looks young, but she's almost 10 years old.
Here's Gisele taking good care of Odin's fur:
That's it, guys! Thanks for reading so far!!!