It’s CBD oil, and weed honey! I’m so happy with my new products 💗💗💗
If you don’t know, CBD oil is pretty good to treat depression, anxiety, insomnia, and ongoing pain. Its use is only medical. I have insomnia, and also an anxiety problem called PTSD, so it helps.
Weed honey has the same compounds as CBD oil but it also contains THC, so it’s a bit stronger, and can get you high. When you eat it, the effects last longer.
Here in Brazil marijuana for recreational purposes is still illegal, but they’ve legalized this year the medical use of some products - the majority of them costs 2,5x the minimum wage, so buying it from a drug store is still something that very few people can do.
I think the motivation for criminalizing pot is pretty racist, and we should fight it. I was studying that here in Brazil it was turned into a crime because black people used to smoke it and the ‘high’ state was seen as gross by white people; when white teens started to smoke grass too, they decided to turn it into crime, because white kids shouldn’t behave like black kids. That was during the 1800. So what’s the excuse to keep this prohibition until today? It’s ridiculous. Alcohol has worse effects, and it’s not forbidden. Government shouldn’t tell us what to use, we’re not babies.
That was pretty intense lol
Are you a pot fan? What do you think about legalizing weed? I wanna hear your voice too!
@missy @rambo @jacqueline