2019 is being a good year so far.
It wasn't easy at first, but now it's back on track.
As you can see in the picture above, I've got 3 more tattoos (6 in total now, yay!): Cheshire Cat with the phrase "We're all mad here"; 1-Up Mushroom; hearts from Zelda.
Thanks to SG, I've been out on the world, meeting so many incredible people, going to shootings and overcoming my social anxiety somehow, with a lot of help of my new friends.
The girls are amazing! I'm so happy to have them in my life. Some are far away, but we're always keeping touch online.
So far, I've accomplished a lot as a model and as a person. I've learned how to live with different people, and how to deal with my problems more openly. Some girls I've met here are pure gold, I love them to the moon and back. That's the greatest gift I've received from SG: the girls that are changing my life forever. But, also, I've learned a trick or two on modelling and it's been a revolutionary road to me!
By the end of 2019, I hope to make Suicide Girls Mansion a huge success and finally meet all the girls I've only met online. I hope making this shootfest the best one in Brazil so far, and seeing all those girls Set of the Day!
And I hope to be Set of the Day too. My sets are made with love, and I give my heart to them as I give my heart to this amazing site. There are lots of girls here, gorgeous, incredible girls, but someday I hope to see myself Front Page as Set of the Day. It will be a great honor, and I know this time will come when I'm ready, and my set will be the perfect one, all my dedication will be rewarded. I have faith in this, in me, and I know I can make this dream happen.
Thank you for all. Each one of you is responsible for making 2019 my best year so far!
Let's make the other half of the year even better. Shall we?
@rambo @missy @sean