It's funny writing something like that for you, guys. Never thought I'd be the one writing this text, you know?
I'm 28yo (07/29 I'll be 29!), and until 25, I thought my body was hideous.
I've never really cared about my body image. I thought my mind was what really matters, so I dedicated all my life nurturing it.
Knowledge is an awesome, powerful thing. But it's not, and never should be, the only important thing in life.
My skin was terrible, I was eating poorly, I didn't even brush my hair in 2015. I was feeling really depressive, with suicidal thoughts, and then I've decided to break up with my ex and went out of an abusive relationship that took years of my life (he called me a whore for wearing cleavage, he didn't let me go out with friends, he was pretty abusive). Things started slowly to become better. Maybe I wasn't who he said I was. Maybe I should and could be better and kind with myself too.
I became vegan, I started to take care of myself and stopped feeling worried about showing myself, showing who I really am.
I did 3 tattoos (I wish I had lots more, but unfortunately $$$), had my hair dyed several times (now I'm a redhead, and I'm loving it!), bought new clothes. I started to act like who I am, not who anyone else want me to be.
I am happier with my body image now.
My areolas are big? Fuck it, they're yummy.
My tits aren't symmetrical? Fuck it, they're soft and beautiful.
My tummy isn't fit? Fuck it, I'm healthy, and my belly is cute.
My pussy isn't like we see in porn? Fuck it, it's delicious, beautiful, and it gives me lots of wonderful orgasms - so it's pretty fucking functional.
All my body is a proof that I am a real person. I'm happy with it. It's not perfect, but what is perfection anyway? Who dictates the rules?
Fuck the rules.
Love yourselves, girls and boys. Don't let anyone say you're not worthy of self love. And be proud of your own body, it's unique and beautiful. There are no flaws, there are no hideous characteristics. You're all awesome.
Let's show the system why we're Suicide Girls here: because it won't mess with our heads and our community anymore.
Fuck the system.
Nobody will dictate the rules we're going to live in.
Let's end this fucking oppressive system, and show it who is the boss.
Who is the boss?
That's right!
You're the boss, you sexy thing.