well, it's either two or three days till de-activation time....I'm gonna miss a lot of you, like my new friend Lilith...but, hey, we're all out there, right? besides, due to my recent financial distress, I couldn't afford to stay anymore anyway....oh well
More Blogs
Tuesday Nov 25, 2003
mmm, I'm going to a drum workshop tonite with paolo mattioli! refini… -
Monday Nov 24, 2003
jobs I've had, in no order other than that in which i remembered them… -
Sunday Nov 23, 2003
Just back from Manhattan, good times and crazy weather! bought some … -
Tuesday Nov 18, 2003
ah, finally motivated to put up some new pics! hope you like! -
Monday Nov 17, 2003
hello? anybody there? -
Friday Nov 14, 2003
The Gods with equal eyes on mortal look, He justly was forsaken, wh… -
Friday Nov 07, 2003
thank god *the sun* is out. I was beginning to feel transparent, w… -
Tuesday Nov 04, 2003
well, well, well. I just dicovered that a fantastique time is to b… -
Tuesday Oct 21, 2003
life on the road, cheap hotels and rental cars....strange people and … -
Friday Oct 03, 2003
well, what an awful week. I had to fess up to my girl about my l…
SG and Playboy.. sigh.. it's a slippery slope now... I may give up the membership too... sigh...
but now that SG has gone mainstream there will be something else to replace it... no doubt.
anyway I've got you on Yahoo instant messanger... maybe see you around...