so very tired.
it's been three days since the illness first appeared in our home, I was never affected directly, only indirectly. I am struggling with the desire to crawl back into bed and hide from the world today, it's really been treating me like a piece of shit lately. I was arrested last week for driving with a (news to me!) suspended license, my job SUCKS my ASS, my town was covered with over three feet of snow, I was crashed into by a truck, I had to shovel for over 6 hours, I had to help someone move, my car was towed (because it died, and I couldn't move it off the street for the snowplows) , I am totally, completely broke, I haven't paid rent yet, and, and, and.....sob.
I am j's complete lack of positivity.
I feel like I am close to breaking down...and it's pretty terrifying.
I know, it's just money problems, this too shall pass, only I am the permanent thing, but boyoboy am I tired of telling myself those things.
thank god I'm not (repeat N-O-T) suicidal
hope everyone has a better day than I'm expecting to.
it's been three days since the illness first appeared in our home, I was never affected directly, only indirectly. I am struggling with the desire to crawl back into bed and hide from the world today, it's really been treating me like a piece of shit lately. I was arrested last week for driving with a (news to me!) suspended license, my job SUCKS my ASS, my town was covered with over three feet of snow, I was crashed into by a truck, I had to shovel for over 6 hours, I had to help someone move, my car was towed (because it died, and I couldn't move it off the street for the snowplows) , I am totally, completely broke, I haven't paid rent yet, and, and, and.....sob.
I am j's complete lack of positivity.
I feel like I am close to breaking down...and it's pretty terrifying.
I know, it's just money problems, this too shall pass, only I am the permanent thing, but boyoboy am I tired of telling myself those things.
thank god I'm not (repeat N-O-T) suicidal
hope everyone has a better day than I'm expecting to.
I won't let you break down, ever.
Good heavens, my new friend, you're having quite an insane week. I am sending you metaphysical get well pills, an invisible force field that prevents arrest, and prevents auto accidents, and much sun to melt the snow!!!