Spinning around, out of control
she crashes to the ground, scraping
dirt pushes under skin, becomes warm from the contact
up again, now running
breast heaving, toungue dry
temples throbbing from the push of blood up
then a gasp, and AWAKE! light streaming onto the pillow
causing stars insinde her eyes
blinking back the rush she fills her lungs and
sobs. slowly again to sleep
and the dream...
At this he bar'd his breast, and show'd his scars,
As of a furrow'd field, well plow'd with wars;
Be this a solemn feast, the priest had said;
Be, with each mistress, unemploy'd each maid.
With skins of beasts your tender limbs enclose,
And with an ivy-crown adorn your brows,
The leafy Thyrsus high in triumph bear,
And give your locks to wanton in the air.
Yet still Amplexus perverse remains,
And Bacchus still, and all his rites, disdains
and, no, of course that tattoo isn't real, I need feedback, cuz it will be in about a month
amplexus ( P ) Pronunciation Key (m-plkss)
n. pl. amplexus or amplexuses
The copulatory embrace of frogs and toads, during which the male grasps from behind and fertilizes the eggs that are released by the female.
she crashes to the ground, scraping
dirt pushes under skin, becomes warm from the contact
up again, now running
breast heaving, toungue dry
temples throbbing from the push of blood up
then a gasp, and AWAKE! light streaming onto the pillow
causing stars insinde her eyes
blinking back the rush she fills her lungs and
sobs. slowly again to sleep
and the dream...
At this he bar'd his breast, and show'd his scars,
As of a furrow'd field, well plow'd with wars;
Be this a solemn feast, the priest had said;
Be, with each mistress, unemploy'd each maid.
With skins of beasts your tender limbs enclose,
And with an ivy-crown adorn your brows,
The leafy Thyrsus high in triumph bear,
And give your locks to wanton in the air.
Yet still Amplexus perverse remains,
And Bacchus still, and all his rites, disdains
and, no, of course that tattoo isn't real, I need feedback, cuz it will be in about a month
amplexus ( P ) Pronunciation Key (m-plkss)
n. pl. amplexus or amplexuses
The copulatory embrace of frogs and toads, during which the male grasps from behind and fertilizes the eggs that are released by the female.
and to respond to the naked too long thing... yes, there is a point when you are, when you're sitting there waiting for your doctor to come in for like 40 minutes and your wearing nothing but a paper blanket, it makes you feel a bit uncomfortable, i think i sang row, row, row your boat about a million times today to keep my mind off of how the doctor is going to come in and put a hard piece of metal into my vagina...
ok... that was a big explanation... every other time in the world when you're naked though, its the best, i could be naked forever, and i think that's where our fashion industry is headed to. the emperors new clothes type of deal