Meanwhile amplexus, seiz'd with fierce desire,
By reason strives to quench the raging fire;
But strives in vain!- Some Goddess (he said) withstands,
And reason's baffl'd council countermands.
What unseen Pow'r does this disorder move?
'Tis love,- at least 'tis like, what men call love.
Else wherefore shou'd the king's commands appear
To me too hard?- But so indeed they are.
Why shou'd I for a stranger fear, lest she
Shou'd perish, whom I did but lately see?
Her death, or safety, what are they to me?
Wretch, from thy virgin-breast this flame expel,
And soon- Oh cou'd I, all wou'd then be well!
But love, resistless love, my soul invades;
Discretion this, affection that perswades.
--for Autumn--
ahhh, the wonders of poetry, so enigmatic, so lusty, so fuckin' trite....gawd I seem a little pretentious today, I apologise to the two people out there who will read this, and, I promise, I'll have some pics of myself up by the end of the week, if you care, I know there's plenty of stupid boy pix here...some cute ones too, but mostly stupid
By reason strives to quench the raging fire;
But strives in vain!- Some Goddess (he said) withstands,
And reason's baffl'd council countermands.
What unseen Pow'r does this disorder move?
'Tis love,- at least 'tis like, what men call love.
Else wherefore shou'd the king's commands appear
To me too hard?- But so indeed they are.
Why shou'd I for a stranger fear, lest she
Shou'd perish, whom I did but lately see?
Her death, or safety, what are they to me?
Wretch, from thy virgin-breast this flame expel,
And soon- Oh cou'd I, all wou'd then be well!
But love, resistless love, my soul invades;
Discretion this, affection that perswades.

ahhh, the wonders of poetry, so enigmatic, so lusty, so fuckin' trite....gawd I seem a little pretentious today, I apologise to the two people out there who will read this, and, I promise, I'll have some pics of myself up by the end of the week, if you care, I know there's plenty of stupid boy pix here...some cute ones too, but mostly stupid
ooh la la..
apology accepted. thanks for the response in prose.