I got some books about einstein and one about the mystery of birdsong and I've still been reading The Bird Artist and also Acts of Levitaiton. What was the book you read that was so good? The kind of classics that I like are mostly Russian 19th century like I say in my profile, stuff like Tolstoy and Dostoyevski, Im sure you'd get into some of that. Yeah I like the little bars! they are still a little sore though
I saw Star Wars tonite on a last minute decision - it was pretty cool. they did a nice job connecting all the parts to the original. I wanted more violence/action & less dialogue. Or, as much dialogue, and more action, whatever. Now I wanna rent the original trio.
Which reminds me, I have a zillion movies to rent/still see - what are some... Read More
OK, so Im considering switching up for some new SG favorites...
Anyone have any suggestions?
Also, how odd am I: I feel that the SGs Im actually friendly with or have met, I dont know if I can put them as favs - (like say AnnaLee or Palo) I feel stalkerish or creepy.
Odd, huh?
So whom do you recommend I oggle over mindlessly?... Read More
yeah, i definitely feel weird about that... i met sid long before i looked at her sets and i just can't do it, the same with fatality but i put her on my favorites anyway, just cuz she is rad; strangely enough, i had no problem putting palo up there...
My trip to the 27th Annual International Barbecue Festival, by Yillie.
Aka A tragedy of BBQ-sized (pro)portions
Let me start off with this:
A) I love BBQ I mean, whats not to love? The smells, the tastes, flavors, accented with the textures of the food. Just wow. And how great is it to stink from that heaping charred fire they have goin on? Its... Read More
hehe thanks mister! i think my favorite part was the workout...wanna know my song that went along with the cowboy shit but did not make it to the video? okay here goes, but brace yourself:
"and swing yer partner round and round
throw that bitch on the ground
flip her over on her back
and stick yer dick up in her crack"
hahahahah...now, that part, THAT was my favorite
So very many comments, where do I start?!?!
Your efforts to acquire pig-related paraphernalia for me will be remembered. You are a true friend.
I could actually feel my heart breaking as this tale of woe unfolded. What a nightmare! No good kitschy stuff? No bad t-shirts? Hats? No hot sauces?!?! And the stuff didn't even taste that good?!?!?! These guys do not deserve to have a fair!!! We should arrange a Dinosaur event sometime next month to make up for it! You poor thing!!!
Also, how is Miss Pork Chop USA not me?!?!?! Something is very wrong here!
Glad you made it home alive. God, I am never leaving NYC again!
I'd love to help you out but I'm in MD and you're not
But if you're between the ages of 4 and 10 and If you come down to MD for a week, I'll be glad to give you pottery lessons!
all is good. thanx for the wishes. seen any good bands lately?
It was me who made you sick. I poisoned your food.