has anyone actually taken time to consider the bok icon? it looks like a chicken head w/ wings drawn on it...or a mcnugget w/ beak and wings added. weird.

bok? bok
shit, man. I was up until 5:00 this morning. Why'd you let me do that? It's all YOUR fault! heh. oof. Well I won't have the time to do such a thing for a week unless it involves homework. ooughf.

Ridiculous websites, eh? I don't usually find a whole lot of those or search for em, but here's something pretty damn ridiculous. And here's a personal favorite, actually. hehe. It makes me smile. biggrin

Yeah, that Spike movie. I'm the only person in the world who's seen it for all I know. BUT I SAW IT! I SWEAR! I didn't make it up! How or why would I make up such a thing? And I have no idea how I would be able to find out what it was called or anything. I don't think imdb.com would be any help.

I dunno man. Those Calvin & Hobbes comics were amazingly astute. I should get more of those books.

Yeah, what the hell IS with the green shit under the monkey's mouth & such? He's a boogery monkey. And I dunno if I already brought this up, but why is there a cat & no dog? I think SG is biased against dogs! and ninjas! this site makes me sick! puke

Edited just to emphasize that the second link I posted is fuckin cack. It cracks me right the hell up, yo.

[Edited on Oct 05, 2005 2:12PM]
oigh! I finally just finished The Odyssey and it felt like it took me twenty years just to read the damn thing! I enjoyed it, though. long. but I enjoyed it.

The other night I went over to Amy's place to keep her sick ass company while she suffered from bronchitis. it was almost painful just to be in her presence. we hung out. watched the director's cut of Donnie Darko. and I left at 1:30, in the worst damn rain mind you. When I got back she decided to text me & start a conversation/argument over her pining for her ex-girlfriend. which prompted me to talk about my current frustrations in wanting affection but because of my situation it disallows me to deal with the baggage that comes along with it. which led to the both of us talking about how nobody ends up happy and there's no hope for it, there are no constants, the seek for contentment is futile, expectations no matter how small are unattainable and always end in disappointment, how we're all just spinning around blindfolded and trying to reach out for brief connections with other people, and how life just plain ol' sucks. y'know. cheery, jolly stuff like that.

But I didn't have class until 1:20, so it worked out. although any chance to be productive was thrown out the window. I'm an american, dammit! that means I gotta be productive at ALLLLL times. why. that's the american way! otherwise we're just wastin space, dontchya know?

you ever been to ebaumsworld.com?? It's pretty damn lewd sometimes. but it has some amusing games like this fishy game and this infuriating game. garr!! I have yet to win ONE GAME of it. Alright, and one last hilarious thing.

I liked the penguin poker!! hehe. twas cute. I enjoy the penguins. haven't seen that March of the Penguins movie yet, though. but I think that penguin symbolizes me. only taking so much before I go apeshit on yo ass! I guess. I'm tired and making stuff up. I need sleep. heh.

you mind me askin why you currently have no cock to keep ya company (so much alliteration!)? and if I should ever overstep my bounds, you just let me know with a swift slap in the face and kick in the groinal area. or just tell me. that works too.

I'm draggin my ass to bed now. I bid you a hearty (??) good night.
haha, i was cruisin around on deviant art and i saw a thumbnail pic of this. mind you, the thumbnail pic was way tinier than the actual pic so i couldnt really make out too many features...well,i thought to myself "wow, she looks kinda like apnea" and sure enough, it was lithium_picnic's deviant art site and i was correct that the girl...
Read More
Y'know, I'd proooobably assume that Brendan Small received a degree in film or something. heh. I'm tired.

I'd like to have a pet snapping turtle sometime cuz I think they look cool, but I hear that you gotta get one while its young or else it'll be a real bitch. as I'm sure you could imagine.

I dunno about sneaking my dog into my dorm here, but dude, i've been wanting a pet hedgehog for the longest damn time. I think it'd be neat. I even have a couple plush hedgehogs cuz I dig em so much. and this doesn't have to do with anything really, but Neil Gaiman (writer of the graphic novels The Sandman and the novels American Gods and Anansi Boys) was once chased around his backyard by a big, perturbed hedgehog. I just find it humorous to think of someone being chased around by a big, ornery hedgehog. heh. it makes me chuckle. whatever.

The thing about working as an instructor is that you're ALWAYS busy. there's no just standing around being bored. well. we can be bored. but no standing around doing nothing. kinda sucks, really.

Yeah you did ask if I'm doing anything for Halloween, and I said that Amy's friend is playing some show or something. but I'm not sure if I'm going to go or what I'm giong to do yet. And you said you were dressing up as a vampire, but I can't remember if you said you were doing anything else? so yeah. you doin anything else?

I forgot to look for those pictures of me as Johnny the Homicidal Maniac while I was at my parents' over the weekend, so I'm sorry but you'll have to wait until this coming weekend for any photos. I don't really look like him at all. heh. I just look like some demented goth boy. One time I dressed up as the Crow and I looked fuckin SWEET, yo. I looked just like him. And then I was going to dress up as Tyler Durden, even had the sunglasses & everything, but I never did. I kinda stopped dressing up. which is sad. cuz I LOVED dressin up. I'd make an event of it. pfeh. ah well. ahhhhhh well. you dress up as anything kickass on Halloween? dang I'm tired. peace out, yo.
eh, i hear kenny muhammed was amazing, but i wasnt too big on the openers either. i cant believe mindless is having suicide city open for them the entire tour theyre on right now

bleh, i hated them

mr. lynz is infact from the board, he used to live in chicago but just recently moved to jersey, but he followed mindless around to all the big cities. hes a good guy.
AAHHH!!! all of Candyass has been taken down!! ::lip quiver:: apnea...benni... frown

fie on the war against porn! FIE! mad
I put a bok after what I said because YOU put a skull after yours and I thought it was odd and/or funny and that my response needed something similar. So that is why you get the chicken. or the cock! bwa ha! I didn't even think of that. This bok is for you. hehe.

Do I really feel inadequate? No, not really. I'm told that I shouldn't feel inadequate. heh. I just felt like talking about one of my favorite subjects: David Bowie's package. I don't have a Napoleon complex, but I do wish sometimes that I were a little taller, though.

Well anyway. Now -I- gotta get back to some reading. more odyssey. hoorah. until next time, take it easy, yo.
yea, ghey isnt it? frown

Thanks so much for the comment on my set! x
when feeling apathetic towards life, go sit in the park. i think watching the dogs play in the dog run might be one of my more enjoyed time consuming activities...and watching people is fun too. it isnt very good for helping me do homework and such, but it sure does make me smile skull
The video isn't animated (which woulda kicked ass), but it certainly did have a style & quality to it that I'd attribute to Jhonen. I did enjoy it, ma'am. I wonder if he has any future directing projects in the works? I'd welcome them heartily. I usually dislike his FillerBunny stuff, but the last one he did was so horribly hilarious. oh man.
"I say dis book don't got ENOUGH rapists!"
"FINALLY! The voice of reason!"
I may have butchered that quote. meh. It's just so incredibly un-P.C. that it's great.

I saw the American Psycho movie before I read the book, and I thought it was okay. something seemed lacking. but then, so does the book in my opinion. heh. Christian Bale was friggin awesome, but I don't think the movie can compare to the novel. so much good stuff was left out! man I gotta read that again! but no time, man! no time! grarr. And one of these days I gotta read Rules of Attraction. sooooo much to read!

Yeah, I got some plans for my future, but who friggin knows if any of it is actually going to happen. Life usually seems to have something else in mind, no matter what your plans are. One of my favorite professors said that Life is a Digression. and that's stuck with me ever since. I dunno. I just like it.

I've been enjoying the Odyssey more than the Iliad ("and the sun sank and the roads of the world grew dark" and "Dawn with her rose-red fingers shone once more"), but Oedipus is good stuff too. I haven't read Antigone, which I hear is good. and I'd really like to read Euripides' Bacchae. I'm fond of the mythology.

man, I'm a horrible writer; that's why I hate to do it so much. heh. I slave over entries sometimes. I think I'm adequate, but certainly nothing to blow my load over. ahem. so you're in good company. Anthopology, that's kinda related to sociology, yes? hehe. If I were minoring in anything it'd be sociology. I'm not entirely sure what one does with an antropology (or sociology) degree, buuuuut best of luck to ye? heh. As a future teacher, I'll probably be joining you in the alleyway, sharing my can of beans and asking people if I can service them for money. heh.

and. uhm. ahem. I say in my entry that I saw Corpse Bride. which was okay. The story is razor thin, the puns are BAD (but maybe that's the point, y'know? so that makes it less bad or even kinda cool. heh) and the characters are almost expressionless since their huge-ass, doe-like eyes and insignificantly small mouths can only convey so much emotion (the corpse bride herself could convey the most emotion and seemed like the character with the most depth). but it was still visually stunning and I enjoyed the music, especially the piano parts. All in all, I'd give it a B or a B-. et toi?
these comments just keep getting longer! will nothing stop them?!

Sigur Ros rocks by the way. you should pick up their newest album, Takk...
I just saw their concert for the third time in my life, & just purchased their album, so I'm a little obsessed at the moment.
whoa. I sound like one of those smarmy guys who covertly works for a record company, befriends a hep trendsetter, and suggests that you pick up the newest album for this rad up & coming band. Let me assure you, that's not the case. heh.

Didjoo see Corpse Bride. If so, what'd you think?

[Edited on Sep 26, 2005 11:14PM]

[Edited on Sep 27, 2005 4:19AM]
for the sake of putting off doing my homework for another 5 minutes, i am "updating". id hardly call this a meaningful or interesting post, but its something to do besides draw on my arm with a blue highlighter... whatever
I am reading things of interest, but they're all school-related. With ALL reading-intensive classes, I just don't have the time. There's SO MUCH I want to read and SO MUCH on my reading list, but I won't get to it anytime soon. When school started I was halfway through The Fortress of Solitude by Jonathon Lethem. Now, I don't know when I'll get to finish it. I'm an INCREDIBLY slow reader, which doesn't help me at all (I'm an English major who reads slowly and hates to write papers. hrmm). oigh.

currently reading anything good yourself?
I'm so doing that right now -- putting off things I need to do in favor of playing internet. smile
so tonight, i went to albion batcave with whitelight and fresnel. we looked effin hot, i wish we took pictures...it was pretty darn fun, but ive decided that the rave culture never actually died, it just started wearing all black and called itself goth. next time we do this, im going to wear more sensible shoes..my feet hurt. whatever
glad to hear corpse bride was great ... i once worked at the wentworth gallery (since closed) at menlo park mall
when did voltaire and apnea get archived?! this makes me sad... frown

there has been some stuff happening on SG and i think olivia does a pretty good job explaining it...go check out her journal entry
Not quite. I met a GIRL! biggrin
hi I think yo usent me an email application for my group...but my spam filter ate it... so please send through again and we'll get chatting


i just saw an advanced screening of The Corpse Bride. thank you to whitelight and NYU for the tickets! i recommend it like whoa... ^.^

also, im seeing Motion City Soundtrack tomorrow w/ fresnel! woohoo!
I was kinda skeptical of Corpse Bride (Burton's stuff as of late has been kinda hit & miss, in my opinion), but the more I hear the more excited I get. Is it a musical like Nightmare?
right to the last drop!
are you going msi in october?
see my events if ye got no clue!
i heart fresnel! bestest roomie in the whole wide world! biggrin
what is everyone gonna do/be for halloween? its time to start thinking about these things! skull
trying for fantasy fest in key west.

the mad ARRR!!!

[Edited on Sep 11, 2005 11:00PM]