haha, i was cruisin around on deviant art and i saw a thumbnail pic of this. mind you, the thumbnail pic was way tinier than the actual pic so i couldnt really make out too many features...well,i thought to myself "wow, she looks kinda like apnea" and sure enough, it was lithium_picnic's deviant art site and i was correct that the girl was apnea...i just thought it was amusing how SG is affecting my life and creeping into everything...
*edited cuz i suck at linking sometimes*
*edited cuz i suck at linking sometimes*
I'd like to have a pet snapping turtle sometime cuz I think they look cool, but I hear that you gotta get one while its young or else it'll be a real bitch. as I'm sure you could imagine.
I dunno about sneaking my dog into my dorm here, but dude, i've been wanting a pet hedgehog for the longest damn time. I think it'd be neat. I even have a couple plush hedgehogs cuz I dig em so much. and this doesn't have to do with anything really, but Neil Gaiman (writer of the graphic novels The Sandman and the novels American Gods and Anansi Boys) was once chased around his backyard by a big, perturbed hedgehog. I just find it humorous to think of someone being chased around by a big, ornery hedgehog. heh. it makes me chuckle. whatever.
The thing about working as an instructor is that you're ALWAYS busy. there's no just standing around being bored. well. we can be bored. but no standing around doing nothing. kinda sucks, really.
Yeah you did ask if I'm doing anything for Halloween, and I said that Amy's friend is playing some show or something. but I'm not sure if I'm going to go or what I'm giong to do yet. And you said you were dressing up as a vampire, but I can't remember if you said you were doing anything else? so yeah. you doin anything else?
I forgot to look for those pictures of me as Johnny the Homicidal Maniac while I was at my parents' over the weekend, so I'm sorry but you'll have to wait until this coming weekend for any photos. I don't really look like him at all. heh. I just look like some demented goth boy. One time I dressed up as the Crow and I looked fuckin SWEET, yo. I looked just like him. And then I was going to dress up as Tyler Durden, even had the sunglasses & everything, but I never did. I kinda stopped dressing up. which is sad. cuz I LOVED dressin up. I'd make an event of it. pfeh. ah well. ahhhhhh well. you dress up as anything kickass on Halloween? dang I'm tired. peace out, yo.
bleh, i hated them
mr. lynz is infact from the board, he used to live in chicago but just recently moved to jersey, but he followed mindless around to all the big cities. hes a good guy.