...im home in jersey for the weekend...its chinese new year! happy chinese new year! year of the dog i believe. why isnt there a dog emoticon? damnit. this entry will probably have very little actual important substance (if any). im mostly typing it cuz im bored out of my mind and dont wanna go to sleep.
i saw Hoodwinked last night. pretty good movie. the animation is a lil shoddy, but the characters are so damn cute. Underworld Evolution was an ok movie also. i liked the first one more, but the second one was entertaining. the story was flimsy but who can resist a good vampire versus werewolf battle?! i know i cant..im such a sucker for those otherworldy creature fights.
sidetracking for a sec: i was in blockbuster video last night (cuz seeing Hoodwinked didnt really satiate my movie addiction)...and i saw a movie called "batman versus dracula" or something like that. it was in the kids section cuz it was animated, but still! they must be running out of ideas for the animated batman if him versus dracula was the best they couldve come up with. what happened to the awesome badguys that he used to fight on a daily basis? *sigh* penguin, joker, riddler, poison ivy, two face, clay face, the croc, mr freeze, et al. you guys will always hold a place in my heart. especially harley quinn. hottest chick dressed up like a clown EVER! mmm....
anyways, back to the movies. i also saw Hostel rather recently. whitelight and i have discussed it more than once...i think we concluded:
-that there was a lot of boob. its all concentrated in the beginning though, so its not like theres boob scattered throughout the movie.
-a blow torch cannot do THAT to an eye...
-the story was flimsy, but thats expected
-overall, the Devils Rejects was better than Hostel, but House of 1000 Corpses was better than the Devils Rejects (in most aspects).
did i get that list right? i hope so...i have a memory that could rival that of a goldfish.
in more movie news, did you know that the kid who played the brother/son in Beethoven (the movie about the st bernard) committed suicide? last i heard, they hadnt found his body...but they found his car w/ a suicide letter in it. crazyness.
ok, ive rambled on for long enough. this is probably the longest entry ive had in a while. at least i killed some time and curbed my boredom for a lil bit...
i saw Hoodwinked last night. pretty good movie. the animation is a lil shoddy, but the characters are so damn cute. Underworld Evolution was an ok movie also. i liked the first one more, but the second one was entertaining. the story was flimsy but who can resist a good vampire versus werewolf battle?! i know i cant..im such a sucker for those otherworldy creature fights.
sidetracking for a sec: i was in blockbuster video last night (cuz seeing Hoodwinked didnt really satiate my movie addiction)...and i saw a movie called "batman versus dracula" or something like that. it was in the kids section cuz it was animated, but still! they must be running out of ideas for the animated batman if him versus dracula was the best they couldve come up with. what happened to the awesome badguys that he used to fight on a daily basis? *sigh* penguin, joker, riddler, poison ivy, two face, clay face, the croc, mr freeze, et al. you guys will always hold a place in my heart. especially harley quinn. hottest chick dressed up like a clown EVER! mmm....
anyways, back to the movies. i also saw Hostel rather recently. whitelight and i have discussed it more than once...i think we concluded:
-that there was a lot of boob. its all concentrated in the beginning though, so its not like theres boob scattered throughout the movie.
-a blow torch cannot do THAT to an eye...
-the story was flimsy, but thats expected
-overall, the Devils Rejects was better than Hostel, but House of 1000 Corpses was better than the Devils Rejects (in most aspects).
did i get that list right? i hope so...i have a memory that could rival that of a goldfish.
in more movie news, did you know that the kid who played the brother/son in Beethoven (the movie about the st bernard) committed suicide? last i heard, they hadnt found his body...but they found his car w/ a suicide letter in it. crazyness.
ok, ive rambled on for long enough. this is probably the longest entry ive had in a while. at least i killed some time and curbed my boredom for a lil bit...
Night Watch... did that just come out or something? It sounds familiar. I know there are quite a few horror movies comin out, but, yeah, I've kinda been in my own little world lately so I'm not really hep with newly released films.
I have seen some pictures and trailers for the Silent Hill movie comin out, though. That's lookin pretty creepy, in my opinion. I've never actually played the game, but oigh, it's lookin uber freaky. I'm excited.
You ever seen Resident Evil? ugh. I'm a huge fan of the game. buuut not such a big fan of the movie. The game's so scary! It's actually frightening! but the movie? They totally changed it from a dark, moody, creepy tale about lurking zombies and feral zombie dogs into some shoot-em-up action flick. blagh!
Same thing with this V for Vendetta movie comin out. the mood & tone just doesn't seem right to me. It looks like they're trying to make it look like a superhero movie when I personally would have made it much more....suspenseful? I mean, the V guy is basically a terrorist. He could almost be seen as a creepy, idealistic, sociopathic murderer who lurks in the shadows and strikes suddenly, like a trapdoor spider waiting for a prey. I think I've thought about this too much...
That Ultraviolet movie comin out seems kinda intriguing. it looks likes the kinda movie Aeon Flux was SUPPOSED to be.
It's starting to get warm here. about the mid-40s. It never really got all that cold here, but I'm surely not complaining. I welcome the warmth with open arms. god I hate the cold.
I really WAS NOT going to bring this up again. but I HAD to. You know that girl I was talkin from SG who has a baby, is pregnant with another, and is constant conflict with her fiance? I think her name is lostdai. Well she just recently wrote an entry about how can her life be satisfying or fulfilling when all she does it look after her baby, clean up the house, and watch tv? GRARR. I feel like a total jerkass when I talk about this. cuz yeah, this IS an actual person. but man. WHAT DID YOU EXPECT? Granted, perhaps her first baby wasn't planned. but then she WILLINGLY tried to get pregnant AGAIN. I even ASKED her WHYYYYY do you want to have another baby NOW? Don't you want to enjoy your youth while you still have it? of course I didn't get a response. but just NOW she's wondering why her life feels empty, repetitive, and not that fulfilling? I don't really meeaaaan to sound like an asshole, but really, perhaps she should have thought of that beforehand. god I feel like an ass. but still. I dunno. It's not like I'm the smartest cat around, but perhaps people need to stop and think before doing something life-changing like that.
man. I just feel like a dick for saying that.
Hey, provided that you don't hate me because of my rant, I gots a question! I really don't think I have that bad of a Minnesotan accent. Yes, I say "pop" instead of "soda." Yes, I say Minne-soda instead of Minneso-tah. but I'll be damned if I say "you betchya" or any of that crap. However, I must admit that my dad's side of the family can get that way and it does get more prevalent the more north you get. ANYHOO! Onto my question! heh. Would you say you have the stereotypical New Yorkan accent? or. something...?
True, true, you make a good point about myspace allowing larger pictures with a free service. BUT! Myspace will only allow you to post 12 pictures and no more. I'm pretty sure. SG allows one to post many pictures. So I guess it's kind of a give and take. or give or take. or whatever. but your argument is a good one. I guess I don't have much trouble converting my pics to a smaller size, though.
Did you ever read The Giver by Lois Lowry? I heard they're turning that into a movie. oh man. I absolutely love that book. If you have read, we must discuss!! like...what do yooouuuu think happened at the end? I always associate Radiohead's OK Computer with that book. It just seems to go so well with it. You have any book/music associations like that?
I also heard that they're developing a new Ninja Turtles movie!! woot! One that's actually faithful to the original comic. Didja know that it was originally kind of a spoof of the X-Men and Daredevil? "Teenage Mutant Turtles" from X-Men and "Ninja" came from all of the ninjas appearing in Daredevil at the time.
They're just makin movies outta everything these days.
I had a friend who borrowed my Blankets and I told her it was my baby and to be careful with it. y'know what she did with it when I gave it to her? she buckled it up in the passenger seat of her car. hehe. ...funny...
This whole comment is about movies, basically. yeesh. I think I'm gonna try to FINALLY put together that mixed cd for you during my spring break. which. is the 1st week of April. heh... I'm sorry. but I'm just busy as shit... oigh.
So what else is new with you, man? Anything? How much left of the semester do you have?
Today's sexual position is called The Wheelbarrow Race... I have a feeling you will be able to envision that without having me describe it. heh.
Alright I'm outta here. still lotsa crap to do tonight. Take it easy, yo. I leave you with the gift of a pirate!
edited because, believe it or not, I had more to say.
[Edited on Mar 08, 2006 8:46PM]
FOR EXAMPLE. Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow. I like a lot of Tim Burton's stuff. not all of it. but quite a bit. And I love Johnny Depp, but they TOTALLY changed Ichabod Crane's character in that movie. Have I already ranted about this? I feel like I have. If not, let me know, so I can complete my ranting. hehe.
I kinda go on rants & tirades when I'm drunk sometimes. but they're usually more humorous and not in the least bit scary. heh. my friends can vouche for me on that.
Ultraviolet's been advertised to hell over here too. except I think they've kinda died down. When I was in Germany they had posters of crap ALL OVER the damn place. I mean ALL. THE FUCK. OVER. One after another after another after another, right next to each other and going for blocks. It was really weird and insane. whoa. I just checked rottentomatoes.com and it has 4 good reviews and 45 bad reviews. hrmmm. perhaps I WONT see it then. You at all interested in The Hills Have Eyes? supposed to be another gore-fest. shit. the last movie I think I saw in the theater was fuckin Aeon Flux. or The Squid & the Whale.
but yeh. V for Vendetta. yeh. I'd like to see him more as a dark, sneaky vigilante. almost like the bad guy (since that's what the government thinks of him). but then he's supposedly the philosophical and political hero. so I guess you can't have the "hero" be lurking around and slitting people's throats after sneaking into their houses...
okay okay okay. I have to ask this, though... do you say "New Joy-zey?" hehe. "bolth"? "bowlth"? hrmmm. Y'know, I've never actually heard anyone pronounce "what" with an "H" outside of a movie. I'm just sayin. I guess I have kinduva deep voice and a commanding one at that when I'm teaching at school or karate, but I can be a bit of a fast-talking, slurring mumbler in conversation sometimes. I also gesticulate, but not enough, I don't think, to be annoying (but apparently enough for people to comment on occasionally). me likes to sing, too (but not with company). and I don't think I'm too bad. but deep deep down and honestly and candidly....I'm shit. heh.
I dunno why I'm telling you all that crap. They're just things you can't really experience via comments & IM & e-mail and such. but perhaps you will someday know firsthand!
oh man. I suggest you read The Giver sometime. I do enjoy it. It's kind of a 1984 for young adults. and even though it IS a book for like, 14 yr olds or whatever, it's still one of my favorites. it'll probably take you two days to read. goes quick.
I don't think I explained the book/music association thing correctly. Okay, you know when you listen to music and it reminds you of a certain time in your life? That's what I kind of meant. There was a time when I was reading The Giver and I basically listened to OK Computer the whole time while I was reading it. and it just fit so well with the book. Now whenever I read The Giver I think of OK computer and whenever I listen to OK Computer I think of The Giver. I have the same kind of thing with a Marilyn Manson song and American Gods by Neil Gaiman. and a chain gang song from the O Brother Where Art Thou soundtrack and Beloved by Toni Morrison. and some Bush songs while I was reading Aftermath by Mr. Reading Rainbow himself, Lemar Burton. They're just songs I listened to ALOT during the time WHILE I was reading a book and they just seemed to go together so well in mood or tone or in content. I dunno. maybe I'm just weird...?
I haven't really watched a whole lot of the new Ninja Turtle cartoon. I dunno how close it is to the original comic. do you know? Apparently they all wore the same red mask and didn't have a specific color for each turtle. I remember a time when Saturday Morning Cartoons were cooooool. Now they all suck donkey balls. OR COCK BALLS!
I got a lot pent up in me, dammit! heh.
only four more weeks left of student teaching
only four more weeks left of student teaching
only four more weeks left of student teaching
only four more weeks left of student teaching
tonight, I bowl! I hope. DAMMIT. bowling sounds mighty fine right about now. sounds like some good clean fun.
well, hope you enjoy your weekend, whatever it is you may be doing. catchya on da flipside, suckah!
edited cuz I wanted to add something here & there. that's why I seldom write entries (aside from student teaching). I'm never fully satisfied with the finished product and I keep having to go back and change something around.
[Edited on Mar 10, 2006 4:35PM]