Not only is rum the preferred alcohol of pirates, but also of Mr. Ernest Hemingway, a writer whose works I greatly appreciate! I dont think he's the tell all & say all of literature, but he's got some good shite. He used to drink Rum St. James, which is some POWERFUL shit, yo. oy vey. good stuff, though.
I think I remember you telling me about your friend who does filipino (why is that if you're from the philippines you're "filipino" and not "philippino"? isn't that weird?) stick fighting. that sounds pretty bad ass. I wouldnt' mind learning that.
yeh. Paradise Lost covers SO MUCH ground and it's SO encyclopedic yet Milton's storytelling is just AIR-fucking-TIGHT. It's just unreal. ugh.
As for Odysseus & Aeneas, I had them be assigned to spend the night in the same room at Circe's Bed & Breakfast while they're both on their way home to Ithaca and Italy, respectively. heh. Aeneas turns on the light late at night to discover that Odysseus is having a romp with Circe. In the morning, Circe's serving sausage & bacon (she turned O's crew into pigs, you may remember) and the two kings find an apple in an inscribed dish that says "For the Wisest" (paralled to how the Iliad was started). Aeneas challenges Odysseus to a fight, and O being the witty & wise man that he is, tricks Aeneas by telling him that there's a Fury behind him and then basically running away. That's just the very brief synopsis of it. I had fun with it. I threw quite a few obscure myth references in there that I'm sure my professor will dig. If I don't get a somewhat decent grade on that paper I'll be hearbroken.
mixed cds! I've actually been working through them quite rapidly! uh, it may still be a little while before I get to yours, but it's definitely going to be sooner than I anticipated! hurrah!
You're probably taking your GRE right now. Good tidings to you, ma'am. I hope you do well. Is there a particular section that you're supposed to do better on than the others? For example, when I take the GRE I'm sure the people in the English department won't give a rip how well I did on the math portion. heh.
You doin anything crazy wit yo mum this weekend now that she's back?
well anyway, I hopes you're feelin better & not sickish. Have yourself a rockin weekend, fool!
What's going on in your world?
I think I remember you telling me about your friend who does filipino (why is that if you're from the philippines you're "filipino" and not "philippino"? isn't that weird?) stick fighting. that sounds pretty bad ass. I wouldnt' mind learning that.
yeh. Paradise Lost covers SO MUCH ground and it's SO encyclopedic yet Milton's storytelling is just AIR-fucking-TIGHT. It's just unreal. ugh.
As for Odysseus & Aeneas, I had them be assigned to spend the night in the same room at Circe's Bed & Breakfast while they're both on their way home to Ithaca and Italy, respectively. heh. Aeneas turns on the light late at night to discover that Odysseus is having a romp with Circe. In the morning, Circe's serving sausage & bacon (she turned O's crew into pigs, you may remember) and the two kings find an apple in an inscribed dish that says "For the Wisest" (paralled to how the Iliad was started). Aeneas challenges Odysseus to a fight, and O being the witty & wise man that he is, tricks Aeneas by telling him that there's a Fury behind him and then basically running away. That's just the very brief synopsis of it. I had fun with it. I threw quite a few obscure myth references in there that I'm sure my professor will dig. If I don't get a somewhat decent grade on that paper I'll be hearbroken.
mixed cds! I've actually been working through them quite rapidly! uh, it may still be a little while before I get to yours, but it's definitely going to be sooner than I anticipated! hurrah!
You're probably taking your GRE right now. Good tidings to you, ma'am. I hope you do well. Is there a particular section that you're supposed to do better on than the others? For example, when I take the GRE I'm sure the people in the English department won't give a rip how well I did on the math portion. heh.
You doin anything crazy wit yo mum this weekend now that she's back?
well anyway, I hopes you're feelin better & not sickish. Have yourself a rockin weekend, fool!