so tonight i saw the SG burlesque show w/ fresnel, whitelight and chitin. it was quite awesome. the opening band was Tsu Shi Ma Mi Re and they were TOO cute! i got some almost loving from nixon ::swoon:: also, reagan is so adorable. im just in awe. sigh.
onto another topic. im thinking of changing my user name to Amperes. what do you think?
onto another topic. im thinking of changing my user name to Amperes. what do you think?
heh. yeah. it's like, drinking is a form of procrastination or thinking. like how smokers go have a smoke while writing a paper so they can think a bit about what they're going to write next. it's the same thing with drinking!
What's holding you back from seeing NIN in concert? did they already come by or do you just lack the funds? They played a lot of "classics," though. so it wasn't just the mediocre stuff from their last album. It's just that I'm a drummer and "piggy" is a nice little song for a drummer to appreciate. oh well. I'd totally see them again. You play any instruments, by the by?
The karate tournament went just fine. It's a whole lot of waiting around, TOO MUCH waiting around, to do a 3-minute form. uch. The one today was the Diamond Nationals, which is one of the biggest tournaments in the nation, if not the world. right here in Minnesota too. how nice. I tied for fifth. which isn't bad considering that, y'know, people, GOOD karate people, travel around the country and world just to go to this thing.
and yeah. there are so many crazy ass styles out there. I wish I did something a little more non-traditional than Tae Kwon Do. If I wasn't so damn busy I'd be toning this body with even more rigorous styles of martial arts. HI-YAH! <-- since there are no friggin ninjas on this site, I'll have to settle for a pirate. every occasion merits a pirate.
so didja go out and enjoy the weather or write your paper? It's actually been pretty nice here for it being mid-october. It's in the 70s! nice! We'll see how long that lasts, though. beh.
tonight I may go see Mirrormask. I asked Amy if she wanted to go, but her "kids" are comin over so she'll probably be busy and I'll end up goin by myself -weep- but that's okay cuz I used to go to movies by myself all the damn time. but Mirrormask is just one of those movies that looks good to see with another person. ah well. Tomorrow I'm going to see Wallace & Gromit with another friend for my b-day! hurrah! I hear it's a good'n. Whatchoo up to, homes?