my mom is going to china for a month and a half to travel around, visit friends and family, etc. she left a lil after midnight and she'll arrive tonight at midnight...i miss my mom.
bloop. Hotdogs can be good. yes. but I try to stay away from processed meat. especially after having read Fast Food Nation. of course I relapse every once in awhile. I can't help but eat pepperoni, for example. but yeah, I usually try to stay from ground beef or any other meat that's been ground up with other meat. ech. I've just grossed myself out. heh.
Y'know, I've never had a bloody mary before. It doesn't sound like something I'd like. but then. I've never had one. so I dunno! white wine is good. huyup.
One more thing about mashed potatoes. there's a restaurant here that bases its meals on mashed potatoes, and everything else is a sort of side dish. it rocks. and it's good. but expensive. bleh.
When I went to the comic con the other day my dad came with. I dunno why my dad likes to come with me to comic conventions, but every one I remember going to he's come with. he's a bit of a dweeb, so I guess there's stuff for him to look at, but he's not really into comics or star wars or anything. but I guess I don't mind. it gives me someone to talk to about stuff, even though he probably doesn't care. heh.
If he didn't come then I'd probably just go by myself anyway. since. I don't really know anybody in person other than myself who collects comics. It's kind of sad to be so into something but then not having anybody to talk to about it in person. what the hell is up with my sentences in this comment? they're all fucked up! kinda. they could be better. anyway, that's what's great about SG. It's a community of people who hold your same interests and can talk to if there's nobody nearby. 'nother HORRIBLE sentence. ugh.
BUT you are SO RIGHT about MAD magazine! I was an avid, loyal fan since I was a kid. When other children were playing on the playground, I was sitting at a picnic table reading old issues of MAD. I have an Alfred E. Neuman wristwatch and puzzle and play cards and I have STACKS of magazines going back to when my mom used to collect them when she was a kid. I was IN LOVE with MAD magazine. then. it started to suck some MAJOR ass.
Some of those old issues from my mom's time had some serious, controversial counter-culture content. Back in the 60s MAD was considered a radical form of entertainment. You see that Simpsons where Bart wore a "Down with homework" MAD t-shirt and the school went chaotic? well yeah, it was parodying the influence of MAD in the late 60s. I'm not saying MAD drove every young person nutty or anything, but it did have an influence.
but now? NOW?! It went COLOR! and worst of all, it now displays ADVERTISEMENTS!!! ADS, KIMBERLY!! ADS!!!! Its non-use of ads was a symbol of its stance against the establishment and capitalism! And the content has been sooooooooo watered down. I look back at those old 60s issues and I am just APPALLED and SHOCKED at some of the stuff they used to print. just taken aback. I would be surprised beyond belief if they actually printed content on the same controversial level as they used to. It's no longer edgy. so it's no longer enjoyable. It's actually a very sad thing for me cuz, like I said, I used to read MAD since I was a little kid. I wish it didn't suck so much now . . .
feel free to rant along with me. How early did you collect those MADs? Do you have any of those 60s or 70s issues? but yeh yer right. MAD sure ain't what it used to be. -sigh-
Anyway, there are WEBcomic cons?? I didn't know they were THAT big! yowza!! otakon? connecticon? matsucon? you're speakin Greek to me, man. heh. Did you check out that one webcomic I linked in my last comment? meh. hehe. yeah.
Amy's "son," Peter, who's 6yrs old, does indeed enjoy Darth. He's her "son" in that she took care of him and his two sisters, Paula and Presley, when their parents were going through some hard times. So in a way she's helped raise those kids. There's a pic of them in my "friends" section of my pic section. but yeah, Pete sure loves the Star Wars (mostly Darth Vader and Yoda) and the Spider-Man.
Chicken Little does indeed look like it might be entertaining. I've never seen the first Ice Age all the way, so I'm rather indifferent about that, but I hear Wallace & Grommet is supposed to be good. I dig all of these animated movies, but they really need to bring back the classic 2D animation. Done correctly (good art with a good story), I think people will go see it. I think movie producers and executives believe 2D animation is dead, but I just don't think they're putting any effort or quality into their products. Once again, I lament for something that's become shitty which was once good. -sigh-
The only movies I can really think of that I'd like to see right now are The Aristocrats and Mirrormask. I have not read/seen one Harry Potter book/movie, but I saw the trailor for the new Harry Potter movie and I have to admit that it looks pretty kickass.
How much do movies cost in New York? A matinee might cost about 5.50 here, but then 7.50 - 8.00 for an evening show. What I hear is that a movie costs about 10 bucks on the coasts. dear lord. that sounds like so much! There was a time when I'd see a movie at least once a week. I used to be a bit of a movie buff. but. not so much anymore. but there's also so many movies I still need to see. gruh.
Is there anything really to respond to in this comment? It's basically just a bunch of rantings in response to your comment. heh. sorry. it's probably long enough already. peace out, suckah!
Y'know, I've never had a bloody mary before. It doesn't sound like something I'd like. but then. I've never had one. so I dunno! white wine is good. huyup.
One more thing about mashed potatoes. there's a restaurant here that bases its meals on mashed potatoes, and everything else is a sort of side dish. it rocks. and it's good. but expensive. bleh.
When I went to the comic con the other day my dad came with. I dunno why my dad likes to come with me to comic conventions, but every one I remember going to he's come with. he's a bit of a dweeb, so I guess there's stuff for him to look at, but he's not really into comics or star wars or anything. but I guess I don't mind. it gives me someone to talk to about stuff, even though he probably doesn't care. heh.
If he didn't come then I'd probably just go by myself anyway. since. I don't really know anybody in person other than myself who collects comics. It's kind of sad to be so into something but then not having anybody to talk to about it in person. what the hell is up with my sentences in this comment? they're all fucked up! kinda. they could be better. anyway, that's what's great about SG. It's a community of people who hold your same interests and can talk to if there's nobody nearby. 'nother HORRIBLE sentence. ugh.
BUT you are SO RIGHT about MAD magazine! I was an avid, loyal fan since I was a kid. When other children were playing on the playground, I was sitting at a picnic table reading old issues of MAD. I have an Alfred E. Neuman wristwatch and puzzle and play cards and I have STACKS of magazines going back to when my mom used to collect them when she was a kid. I was IN LOVE with MAD magazine. then. it started to suck some MAJOR ass.
Some of those old issues from my mom's time had some serious, controversial counter-culture content. Back in the 60s MAD was considered a radical form of entertainment. You see that Simpsons where Bart wore a "Down with homework" MAD t-shirt and the school went chaotic? well yeah, it was parodying the influence of MAD in the late 60s. I'm not saying MAD drove every young person nutty or anything, but it did have an influence.
but now? NOW?! It went COLOR! and worst of all, it now displays ADVERTISEMENTS!!! ADS, KIMBERLY!! ADS!!!! Its non-use of ads was a symbol of its stance against the establishment and capitalism! And the content has been sooooooooo watered down. I look back at those old 60s issues and I am just APPALLED and SHOCKED at some of the stuff they used to print. just taken aback. I would be surprised beyond belief if they actually printed content on the same controversial level as they used to. It's no longer edgy. so it's no longer enjoyable. It's actually a very sad thing for me cuz, like I said, I used to read MAD since I was a little kid. I wish it didn't suck so much now . . .
feel free to rant along with me. How early did you collect those MADs? Do you have any of those 60s or 70s issues? but yeh yer right. MAD sure ain't what it used to be. -sigh-
Anyway, there are WEBcomic cons?? I didn't know they were THAT big! yowza!! otakon? connecticon? matsucon? you're speakin Greek to me, man. heh. Did you check out that one webcomic I linked in my last comment? meh. hehe. yeah.
Amy's "son," Peter, who's 6yrs old, does indeed enjoy Darth. He's her "son" in that she took care of him and his two sisters, Paula and Presley, when their parents were going through some hard times. So in a way she's helped raise those kids. There's a pic of them in my "friends" section of my pic section. but yeah, Pete sure loves the Star Wars (mostly Darth Vader and Yoda) and the Spider-Man.
Chicken Little does indeed look like it might be entertaining. I've never seen the first Ice Age all the way, so I'm rather indifferent about that, but I hear Wallace & Grommet is supposed to be good. I dig all of these animated movies, but they really need to bring back the classic 2D animation. Done correctly (good art with a good story), I think people will go see it. I think movie producers and executives believe 2D animation is dead, but I just don't think they're putting any effort or quality into their products. Once again, I lament for something that's become shitty which was once good. -sigh-
The only movies I can really think of that I'd like to see right now are The Aristocrats and Mirrormask. I have not read/seen one Harry Potter book/movie, but I saw the trailor for the new Harry Potter movie and I have to admit that it looks pretty kickass.
How much do movies cost in New York? A matinee might cost about 5.50 here, but then 7.50 - 8.00 for an evening show. What I hear is that a movie costs about 10 bucks on the coasts. dear lord. that sounds like so much! There was a time when I'd see a movie at least once a week. I used to be a bit of a movie buff. but. not so much anymore. but there's also so many movies I still need to see. gruh.
Is there anything really to respond to in this comment? It's basically just a bunch of rantings in response to your comment. heh. sorry. it's probably long enough already. peace out, suckah!