for the sake of putting off doing my homework for another 5 minutes, i am "updating". id hardly call this a meaningful or interesting post, but its something to do besides draw on my arm with a blue highlighter...
I am reading things of interest, but they're all school-related. With ALL reading-intensive classes, I just don't have the time. There's SO MUCH I want to read and SO MUCH on my reading list, but I won't get to it anytime soon. When school started I was halfway through The Fortress of Solitude by Jonathon Lethem. Now, I don't know when I'll get to finish it. I'm an INCREDIBLY slow reader, which doesn't help me at all (I'm an English major who reads slowly and hates to write papers. hrmm). oigh.
so tonight, i went to albion batcave with whitelight and fresnel. we looked effin hot, i wish we took was pretty darn fun, but ive decided that the rave culture never actually died, it just started wearing all black and called itself goth. next time we do this, im going to wear more sensible feet hurt.
I was kinda skeptical of Corpse Bride (Burton's stuff as of late has been kinda hit & miss, in my opinion), but the more I hear the more excited I get. Is it a musical like Nightmare?
You betcha. Cash is king! Unfortunately, it just goes to paying business expenses at this point. My business expenses run about $2,000 a month and I'm not quite making that much in revenues yet. So, I've been focusing on cutting my costs lately so I can reach breakeven. It's much easier to get a paycheck and benefits, but not as fulfilling. Things will get better.
i am back in new york city. im quite excited to be back and im looking forward to the upcoming school year. i dont have much to say since there isnt too much going on...fresnel and i might be going to the bronx zoo on wednesday...we'll see how that works out.'re very right...I never thought about the birth of a giraffe. Maybe I can impregnate you with my crazy magic sperm and we can have giraffe babies together.
Or maybe that's just the worst pickup line in creation.
florida has come and gone. i honestly dont feel like updating about it, but i just wanted to let you all know that im back...kinda. fresnel, i sent a postcard, it should arrive soon
tomorrow i leave for florida w/ lexiey and joe. im excited. we'll be there for two weeks so if im missing in action, expect me back around mid august. fresnel, keep an eye out for a postcard <3
on friday, i saw the academy is in concert...they were great and their lead singer is such a cutie. so go check them out or something.
also on friday, iamcampbell and i made a sheet fort in our "backyard" (its more like a patio...or safety hazard). ive never made a sheet fort before so i was a bit odd about everything, but whatever. it turned... Read More
currently reading anything good yourself?