Crap, I'm beginning to hate people more and more with my old age. I'd like to think that I'm a tolerant guy but I'm tired of all this PC shit that is rammed down my thoat on an almost daily basis.
Lighten up people, stop taking yourselves and the world so seriously. I don't care about being polite or watching to see if I hurt someones feelings.
Not to say that I go out of my way to piss people off, but if you don't want to hear what I have to say leave. It's a pretty simple concept and if you have room tempature IQ then you should be able to understand it.
Fuck the goddess...
Fuck nature....
Fuck librals...
Fuck conservetives...
and libratarians too.
Fuck communism...
facism and any other world government that I know I missed.
Fuck the system that says I deserve a job just because I'm a minority...
Fuck the system that wont give me a chance to prove that I can do a job because I'm a minority.
Fuck handouts.
Fuck Rosie O'donell and Barbra Streisan
Fuck Rush and O'rely
Fuck the French...
and Chinese governments
Fuck a system that allows lobbiest's money make laws while the poor and disinfranchised suffer because they can't put together millions to line politician's pockets.
Fuck the Democrats for screaming about Social Security reform and then doing nothing ot fix it execpt patching it so we have to worry about it four years from now.
Fuck the Republicans for making such stupid offers on fixing SS knowing that it'll never get passed just so they can say they tried.
Fuck the American citizen who doesn't take the time to learn how his government works and for some fucked up reason believes that we only have a two party system.
Fuck the idiot who thross away his chance to make a difference by not voting.
Crap, I'm beginning to hate people more and more with my old age. I'd like to think that I'm a tolerant guy but I'm tired of all this PC shit that is rammed down my thoat on an almost daily basis.
Lighten up people, stop taking yourselves and the world so seriously. I don't care about being polite or watching to see if I hurt someones feelings.
Not to say that I go out of my way to piss people off, but if you don't want to hear what I have to say leave. It's a pretty simple concept and if you have room tempature IQ then you should be able to understand it.
Fuck the goddess...
Fuck nature....
Fuck librals...
Fuck conservetives...
and libratarians too.
Fuck communism...
facism and any other world government that I know I missed.
Fuck the system that says I deserve a job just because I'm a minority...
Fuck the system that wont give me a chance to prove that I can do a job because I'm a minority.
Fuck handouts.
Fuck Rosie O'donell and Barbra Streisan
Fuck Rush and O'rely
Fuck the French...
and Chinese governments
Fuck a system that allows lobbiest's money make laws while the poor and disinfranchised suffer because they can't put together millions to line politician's pockets.
Fuck the Democrats for screaming about Social Security reform and then doing nothing ot fix it execpt patching it so we have to worry about it four years from now.
Fuck the Republicans for making such stupid offers on fixing SS knowing that it'll never get passed just so they can say they tried.
Fuck the American citizen who doesn't take the time to learn how his government works and for some fucked up reason believes that we only have a two party system.
Fuck the idiot who thross away his chance to make a difference by not voting.
HI! i hate the saw. but i named mine betty. u?

How rude!