AAAAAgggggggghhhhh. I can't sleep and I'm going insane! This morning I tossed and turned and stayed in bed as late as I possibly could, and it was 7:20 when I went to the bathroom. It's ridiculous.
Extremely ridiculous. I'm stressed out and a little paranoid right now and miss Andy like crazy (and you guys too!!!
) but besides that, I'm actually doing ok.
Deep Breath In....
I didn't get the apartment I was going to get originally, the girl whose lease I was going to take over (Subleasing was my only option, the place was fully leased until August) decided to wait 5 days before telling me she decided not to move out until July. Nice.
You could have let me know that before I did all the paperwork, paid the deposit check, and sat around waiting for you to move.
I found a small house (I am going to now refer to it as my shack, because it kind of is) right by my moms house, where I'll be paying almost no rent money in retyrn for fixing the place up, however I want to do it. I have decided it's going to be my new project, and it will be beautiful. That should keep me busy in my spare time!
I hope you are all well and doing marvelous!!!
Extremely ridiculous. I'm stressed out and a little paranoid right now and miss Andy like crazy (and you guys too!!!

Deep Breath In....
I didn't get the apartment I was going to get originally, the girl whose lease I was going to take over (Subleasing was my only option, the place was fully leased until August) decided to wait 5 days before telling me she decided not to move out until July. Nice.

I found a small house (I am going to now refer to it as my shack, because it kind of is) right by my moms house, where I'll be paying almost no rent money in retyrn for fixing the place up, however I want to do it. I have decided it's going to be my new project, and it will be beautiful. That should keep me busy in my spare time!
I hope you are all well and doing marvelous!!!

miss u
Yes, big time. To this Hook up dating profile kinda thing.