My mind is exploding with a million ideas, everything all at once.
I am slowly but surely checking things off my to do list and it feels really amazing. i feel like I am slowly accomplishing things for myself.
I needed last night so much. It started off crying and ended up really great. I stayed up late with some people I consider good friends. We played scrabble and just talked. It's no surprise that Oburi won (as you that know him can vouch, he is a "grammar nazi"). He won with 100 points, and I came in last with 90, so it was a pretty close game. I had tons of fun and I'm glad that everyone got along very well, better than expected actually. I miss nights like that. At the end of the night I got into a long conversation and I started to spill my heart out to the one person that I was really afraid to. He totally understood my rantings and ramblings, and went off on a couple of his own. I went to sleep at 4:30 and strangely enough I'm not really dragging today, even with no coffee. I woke up happy, and I think that gives you more energy and bounce than anything caffinated.
I'm just taking things day by day and "going with the flow". Or trying to. I've never been good at this whole "flow" business.
I am slowly but surely checking things off my to do list and it feels really amazing. i feel like I am slowly accomplishing things for myself.
I needed last night so much. It started off crying and ended up really great. I stayed up late with some people I consider good friends. We played scrabble and just talked. It's no surprise that Oburi won (as you that know him can vouch, he is a "grammar nazi"). He won with 100 points, and I came in last with 90, so it was a pretty close game. I had tons of fun and I'm glad that everyone got along very well, better than expected actually. I miss nights like that. At the end of the night I got into a long conversation and I started to spill my heart out to the one person that I was really afraid to. He totally understood my rantings and ramblings, and went off on a couple of his own. I went to sleep at 4:30 and strangely enough I'm not really dragging today, even with no coffee. I woke up happy, and I think that gives you more energy and bounce than anything caffinated.

AHHH I love F words
So yes, please put in your order for 2 ponys. I need Sasselfrass Fezzelstick as soon as possible.
How are things with you?