Sorry I haven't been on much, I'm going through a bunch of crap... not all bad. I'm trying to retain a positive outlook!!!
I decided I needed to take a break from a couple of people to help me put things into perspective about who is really my friend.... I do have some serious doubts.
But all in all I'm keeping my head up.
I decided to start working on a movie.... it should be really good.
I decided I needed to take a break from a couple of people to help me put things into perspective about who is really my friend.... I do have some serious doubts.
But all in all I'm keeping my head up.

I decided to start working on a movie.... it should be really good.

I just wanted to say that I think you are a wonderful girl, with an extreme amount of potential (as you know I've felt this since I've met you). You were and still will be a big part of my life. And I want nothing but the best for you, and I hope that from now on you can make decisions that are going to do good for yourself. You're very selfless, but sometimes you need to focus on YOU. And I think most of the time that you think you are doing things for YOU, you really aren't. You just say that you are so that people won't hassle you about it.
I feel I need to sever ties with a lot of people right now, because of the lack of involvment. Not just from you, but from instead of moping about it, and dwelling as I have done in the past, I've decided to just let go, and/or take a break. I need to get my life on track, as anyone our age probably needs to, and I can't do that when all I do is worry about my friends and their needs and their lives. I worry about you so much it stresses me out.
I need to start doing things for myself, and pushing myself harder. Everytime I think I'm going to, I get scared and run, and I don't want to do that until I change a few things about myself, I don't want to expose myself, or be exposed to many people right now, because I don't feel I am good for some, and vise versa.
I wish you the best of luck in all your endavours, and if you ever need me, I'm a phone call and drive away and will always be there for you. I love you and always will...and I hope that this is not an ending, but a break to a new beginning between us. I hope that when we become friends again, it is stronger than ever and that we have gotten through our current hardships and learned to be more humble and passive people. I also hope that you and I can laugh about all the things we've made into such big deals, because if you look at the big picture, a lot of what we've fought over, and even had good times over, won't really matter in the long run.
Please take care of yourself.