So short vent bc my mental side has REALLY affected me lately. Out of the blue I’ve just broken down about how jealous I’ve become of certain types of women. I cry and plead about why I was born with disgusting parts of my body... do any of you go through this?

Your body is perfect!

I had a facebook conversation the other day about how I will never be used to someone calling me sexy. My whole life I've felt like and ugly duckling of sorts, or at least a little weird. I have not let it trouble me too much for the most part, but there have been times when I have been very down on myself. I've been trying to meditate, and I'm not that great at it yet, but the lessons have taught me to try and be mindful even if I'm not really great at meditating. I have been using the Waking Up app by Sam Harris, it's a monthly subscription but I find it really worth it. There is also Ten Precent Happier, which I have heard good things about.