dear digdug
what nookie are you talking about?
<3 Amorette
yeah kelly got mad at me the other night for being coked out drunk and stoned off my bat. whatever. that was a thursday night of fun fun.
then friday was silent and sad.
today she called me and we went to get sushi and then we watched the ring and things are all pretty again.
shes lovely.
today went to arbor day/earthday festival.
i got free vegan food and a baby pine tree and amber and a hemp beanie.
and super cool bumperstickers for my car. YAY and just stickers in jeneral... did i just spell that jeneral, general. there we go.
too out of it.
what nookie are you talking about?
<3 Amorette
yeah kelly got mad at me the other night for being coked out drunk and stoned off my bat. whatever. that was a thursday night of fun fun.
then friday was silent and sad.
today she called me and we went to get sushi and then we watched the ring and things are all pretty again.
shes lovely.
today went to arbor day/earthday festival.
i got free vegan food and a baby pine tree and amber and a hemp beanie.
and super cool bumperstickers for my car. YAY and just stickers in jeneral... did i just spell that jeneral, general. there we go.
too out of it.

i experience it vicariously thru amorette
*runs away*