sooo sooo soo
my friend oso on here decided that he wanted to be a doll and renew my account for me, soo ladies and gents, i am now here for 3 more months.
hey darlin, thanks for the write-back.. i shall respond in kind when i get my ass off this website, hehe.
ack, 8 shots in a row... I did 5 once, and I got shaky and sick to my stomach... heh, that's what I get for working the opening shift at a coffeeshop I guess.
sorry about getting stood up, that's one of the most frustrating, sad feelings... ::hug:: i hope things get better in your world.
"take me home... take me home and leave me there... i think i wanna cry, i don't know why, think i wanna sing myself a lullaby... feel free to listen, feel free to stare." -ani d
Just reminding you that you're lovely. and fucking cool, for that matter. ::grin::
I long to move to San Francisco... and wander around and take trolleys to obscure cafes, all the while talking to strangers and making eyes at stray kittens.
washing machine falling on my knee
hot soup spilling on my lap
bottle of water jammed in my eye
but but but
the pleasure of makng an ex feel like utter shit and cry and be the biggest bitch in the world after they treated you like shit, is the most rewarding feeling.
someone pull the knife out from the spot where my skull and... Read More
my arm hurts from playing guitar so much.
god and i havent even been playing much...
life is ick.
but whatever
you know you deal with it.
im not rreally bitching, but i guess i really am.
just you know how people say, if you are unhappy then change it, well what if you are completely unable to because someone is holding you back and... Read More
i lost mine