my phone got cut off today, which means i have no internet. i have no intention of paying to get it turned back on at my old house because i'm moving anyway, so i'll be completely back whenever it is that my phone and/or dsl gets hooked up at my new place and my computer gets there too. hopefully in less than a week.

The Graphics are just gorgeous, incredibly smooth, beautiful reflections in the ice and the fluffiness of the snow is extremely well done. This also goes for character design and animations, and the level designs are phenomenal, especially the 30 minute long ones, they really put a lot of work into that part of it.
Possibly my favorite part, the controls are EXTREMELY responsive, I LOVE them. Every survival horror game in history could learn from this game, the controls are so fucking horrible in those games I can barely play them.
I've had SSX3 for 3 days, and I have already maxed out all my stats and beat ALL of the races, just gotta finish freestyles and free rides. I have blisters from this shit.
I have been playing it for like 8+ hours a day. I have no idea but it's just so addicting. I've not been this addicted to a game for..a long time.
Although I bet Xenosaga episode 2 is gonna be worse than this game is.
Ever played Xenosaga??
Sorry for the review, I write game reviews for a local company, I'm a very hardcore gamer, in case you haven't noticed. My new PC comes day after tomorrow, and once that happens and I get it working and after Valkyrie Profile and Hoshigami come in the mail I'm gonna take lots of pictures of my video game collection and post them all over my journal.
I feel pathetic talking this much about video games. I call it nerdy but I guess some people call it passion.
Hope things are going well for you.
Ah yeah, looks like I can get all the parts for a version 4 PS2 to build you if you want it.
[Edited on Jan 14, 2004 10:25PM]