hey there.
thanks to everyone for being so kind. it means alot.
i spend everyday being ignored in a shop by assholes who don't even say hello when i say hello. an i'm being polite and everything.
it's very embracing to know there are actually kind people with thought in the world.
edeneye made a list of things she likes, i thought i'd do one too. but you should all go and read hers, it's full of stuff i didn't realise i liked but i can't imagine how much i'd miss them if they went.
i like finding inspiration
i like writing things down too
i like sleeping too late
i like waking up at 4am and surfing whilst watching a movie
i like looking through my box of memories
i like smoking after eating lots
i like it when pretty girls smile at me
i like smiling at pretty girls
i like when people request my friendship
i like singing quiet, sad songs when no one's in the house
i like laying fully clothed in fountains
i like when my room is tidy
i like doing the washing up, washing, and general cleaning by lunchtime
i like confusing and insulting customers without them realising
i like buying books
i like typing things out
i like watching cheese bubble
i like chips, cheese and gravy
i like watching old movies from my childhood, like d.a.r.y.l.
i like being clean shaven
i like my hair 2 minutes before it's cut
i like when a new saladfingers cartoon comes out on fat-pie.com
i like getting out of the viridian room <search google>
i like pasting the words 'i like'
i like when my friends 2 month old baby girl charlotte grabs my finger
i like a well rolled cigarette
i like gettingenough sleep
i like having a row of interesting looking alcohol infront of me
i like pouring grenadine gently into lemonade
i like finding a movie that scares me like i was 8 again
i like having someone i can hug and kiss
i like having something to do
i like the smell of waffles when you enter new street station
i like taking off all my clothes and stretching
i like the smell of clean laundry
i like being drunk outdoors on a sunny evening
i like sherlock holmes
i like the watching my fingers while i play the piano
i like when the good guy gets the girl in soppy films
i like daydreaming
i like thinking what my kids will look like
i think that will do.
thanks to everyone for being so kind. it means alot.
i spend everyday being ignored in a shop by assholes who don't even say hello when i say hello. an i'm being polite and everything.
it's very embracing to know there are actually kind people with thought in the world.
edeneye made a list of things she likes, i thought i'd do one too. but you should all go and read hers, it's full of stuff i didn't realise i liked but i can't imagine how much i'd miss them if they went.

i like finding inspiration
i like writing things down too
i like sleeping too late
i like waking up at 4am and surfing whilst watching a movie
i like looking through my box of memories
i like smoking after eating lots
i like it when pretty girls smile at me
i like smiling at pretty girls
i like when people request my friendship
i like singing quiet, sad songs when no one's in the house
i like laying fully clothed in fountains
i like when my room is tidy
i like doing the washing up, washing, and general cleaning by lunchtime
i like confusing and insulting customers without them realising
i like buying books
i like typing things out
i like watching cheese bubble
i like chips, cheese and gravy
i like watching old movies from my childhood, like d.a.r.y.l.
i like being clean shaven
i like my hair 2 minutes before it's cut
i like when a new saladfingers cartoon comes out on fat-pie.com
i like getting out of the viridian room <search google>
i like pasting the words 'i like'
i like when my friends 2 month old baby girl charlotte grabs my finger
i like a well rolled cigarette
i like gettingenough sleep
i like having a row of interesting looking alcohol infront of me
i like pouring grenadine gently into lemonade
i like finding a movie that scares me like i was 8 again
i like having someone i can hug and kiss
i like having something to do
i like the smell of waffles when you enter new street station
i like taking off all my clothes and stretching
i like the smell of clean laundry
i like being drunk outdoors on a sunny evening
i like sherlock holmes
i like the watching my fingers while i play the piano
i like when the good guy gets the girl in soppy films
i like daydreaming
i like thinking what my kids will look like
i think that will do.
we took my boy to see charlie & the chocolate factory a couple of weeks ago, it was his first trip to the cinema. i was dreading the thought of trying the keep a 3 year old quiet & still for that amount of time but he was real good
kittens are doing great. i've still got 2 from the last litter their mother had, but they were really scrawny. thist lot are lively little buggers & getting fat already!