Its been over a month since I last update any of my blogs, I have been on-line sporadicly and a lot has happened in the material world. The semester ended in the usual mess, I had too much work and too little time, though one of my papers will be good enough for at least a conference, if not a publication. My students did miserably, I think they dropped the ball at the end of the semester, many of them hand't improved at all, and some seemed just scared to attempt to make argument. It is one thin to act like your not smart when your with your friends, its quite another thing to pretend to be when you are in a class. Oh well, next year I will make it clear that I am looking for substantial arguments in their papers.
At the end of March I started to see romantically an old friend from Cleveland, for those that dont know Cleveland is 4 or 5 hours from Oxford, and she did all of the visiting as I was swamped with work. She was really sweet to me and we met once in Cincy when she flew down for a conference and once in Columbus, we had a good time always but it was nothing that I could sustain. In April I went to a Sting concert which was OK, (I saw but did not say hi to Apocalypse_meow)about what I expected, I took Eric in lieu of a date, we had a great night of drinking afterwards, I have no idea how we made it home. My cell phone also died in April, on a rainy crazy night, I got a new one about a week later, same number though it does no good to anyone right now.
Went to a Pigface show in Covington a week and a half ago, again with Eric, great show, though we went totally rocked. I recovered the following day and packed, and then on the 17th boarded a plane to London. Had a blast in London, met some new people, and threw back a few pints with Ann from Barbelith. The next morning, boarded a plane to Berlin, and made it too my flat in Kreuzberg. I live above a Kindergarten, if anyone is in Berlin please do drop me a note. I stopped by some of my old haunts in Berlin, saw Felix and Stephan, drank some Absinth (which I will do again later today), and stopped by Nids old place. Met some of Nids friends (Nid is now in Munich with her family) including one Nerin who I hit it off with very well. Felix is still as mad as hell and his hair is quite a bit longer.
Work is going well, I have the time and environment to think, and I am doing that, taking this week really easy. I havent met nearly as many people as I would have hoped by now, but oh well, that will change I hope. I saw Star Wars, I enjoyed it quite a bit, and may go again. OK, thats it, the best way to get a hold of me is on-line, my cell dosnt work here ad te phone line in the apartment is a bit scary. The computer I am working on is slow, and the keyboard is not only in German but also is sorta broke, so please excuse typos and grammar for a few months.
At the end of March I started to see romantically an old friend from Cleveland, for those that dont know Cleveland is 4 or 5 hours from Oxford, and she did all of the visiting as I was swamped with work. She was really sweet to me and we met once in Cincy when she flew down for a conference and once in Columbus, we had a good time always but it was nothing that I could sustain. In April I went to a Sting concert which was OK, (I saw but did not say hi to Apocalypse_meow)about what I expected, I took Eric in lieu of a date, we had a great night of drinking afterwards, I have no idea how we made it home. My cell phone also died in April, on a rainy crazy night, I got a new one about a week later, same number though it does no good to anyone right now.
Went to a Pigface show in Covington a week and a half ago, again with Eric, great show, though we went totally rocked. I recovered the following day and packed, and then on the 17th boarded a plane to London. Had a blast in London, met some new people, and threw back a few pints with Ann from Barbelith. The next morning, boarded a plane to Berlin, and made it too my flat in Kreuzberg. I live above a Kindergarten, if anyone is in Berlin please do drop me a note. I stopped by some of my old haunts in Berlin, saw Felix and Stephan, drank some Absinth (which I will do again later today), and stopped by Nids old place. Met some of Nids friends (Nid is now in Munich with her family) including one Nerin who I hit it off with very well. Felix is still as mad as hell and his hair is quite a bit longer.
Work is going well, I have the time and environment to think, and I am doing that, taking this week really easy. I havent met nearly as many people as I would have hoped by now, but oh well, that will change I hope. I saw Star Wars, I enjoyed it quite a bit, and may go again. OK, thats it, the best way to get a hold of me is on-line, my cell dosnt work here ad te phone line in the apartment is a bit scary. The computer I am working on is slow, and the keyboard is not only in German but also is sorta broke, so please excuse typos and grammar for a few months.
Actually, the other sets are newer, you can see the difference, my hair is now shorter.