I have been back from Amsterdam for nearly 24 hours. Most of those hours I have spent sleeping, there were three straight days in Amsterdam with little or no sleep at all. The City is everything that it is said to be, an amazing place, just the coffee shops alone make it worth a trip, but the availability of any and all kinds of pleasure, recreational, artistic, narcotic or sexual so readily available, make it a place that everyone should visit once. Exactly the opposite of self-important high strung Oxford. I missed a chance at a very cheep flight that I am kicking myself for, but will be anticipating it come May and my flight to London. In fact, given that there are so many connecting flights going out of Cincinnati for Europe, I may look into this gamble of a practice even more. Well see when I have time off next year, and when I get my tickets to go to Schelswig I will also anticipate the possibilities.
So, overheard in Amsterdam. Is it me, or is it that in Amsterdam everything you look at you expect to be porn. And I am addicted to closure and Tom is in there having sex with a man. One night in a bar, while smoking some hash and drinking beers with some English guys about the same age as myself I had some amazing conversations regarding the Foucaultian disciplinary trap that we all find ourselves operating within, the prison of language, it was a great conversation. Hi, my name is, what are your hobbies and interests? Oh well lets get past of all the fluff and into some real conversation; these were beasts after my own heart these four guys from Liverpool.
I am sad to be back, happy that I will be returning to Europe in two months, and glad I figured out a little more about myself and about the kind of person I both am and want to be, Ill write more latter and perhaps put up a few photos.
So, overheard in Amsterdam. Is it me, or is it that in Amsterdam everything you look at you expect to be porn. And I am addicted to closure and Tom is in there having sex with a man. One night in a bar, while smoking some hash and drinking beers with some English guys about the same age as myself I had some amazing conversations regarding the Foucaultian disciplinary trap that we all find ourselves operating within, the prison of language, it was a great conversation. Hi, my name is, what are your hobbies and interests? Oh well lets get past of all the fluff and into some real conversation; these were beasts after my own heart these four guys from Liverpool.
I am sad to be back, happy that I will be returning to Europe in two months, and glad I figured out a little more about myself and about the kind of person I both am and want to be, Ill write more latter and perhaps put up a few photos.