Last night I partied like a rock-star and Hunter S. Thomson died.
I went to the birthday party of Sarah; it was one of the Joshs birthdays as well. We began the night at Mac & Joes then to the party then back to Mac & Joes, and then we actually went to 45 East. I ran into no fewer than five of my former students. I am learning more and more how not to be concerned with world saving; in a way it is sort of sad, but there simply are insurmountable situations that cannot be addressed by individuals in the world. I have found myself returning lately to the Philosophy of Deleuze.
Deleuze, like HST committed suicide; I think has become apparent that such a way out is not only acceptable, but perhaps a part of the counter culture. Socrates was of course the first great Suicide, and like Christ his death was state supported. Deleuzes was in the wake of a terrible cancer, Thomsons, well I dont know if we will ever know; it was no doubt another gonzo trip; a line that could only be known by crossing it.
Alex Burns has suggested that the rest of us get off our asses and start to fill in the gaps left in the counter culture. I have begun this process myself, though I must say I keep finding excuses to ground myself firmly on my ass. However, my recent realization; which may be a part of waltzing into some semblance of adulthood, and is drawn in part from Grant Morrison: I stopped needing to save the world. Saving is what misers do. This has become my current motto. This has led me to turn a bit back to the left, and I am not talking political, or really magical, but personal. Retuning to my own goals and my own movement, it is nice to lose ones direction in a current of another, but ultimately it is destructive.
So here I am back in the cracks between school, state, work and factory between the paranoid that is the past (RIP Art Bell) and the neurotic which destroys the self that it wishes to elevate. We learned much from you Dr. Thomson, I am sure we will continue to learn more.
I went to the birthday party of Sarah; it was one of the Joshs birthdays as well. We began the night at Mac & Joes then to the party then back to Mac & Joes, and then we actually went to 45 East. I ran into no fewer than five of my former students. I am learning more and more how not to be concerned with world saving; in a way it is sort of sad, but there simply are insurmountable situations that cannot be addressed by individuals in the world. I have found myself returning lately to the Philosophy of Deleuze.
Deleuze, like HST committed suicide; I think has become apparent that such a way out is not only acceptable, but perhaps a part of the counter culture. Socrates was of course the first great Suicide, and like Christ his death was state supported. Deleuzes was in the wake of a terrible cancer, Thomsons, well I dont know if we will ever know; it was no doubt another gonzo trip; a line that could only be known by crossing it.
Alex Burns has suggested that the rest of us get off our asses and start to fill in the gaps left in the counter culture. I have begun this process myself, though I must say I keep finding excuses to ground myself firmly on my ass. However, my recent realization; which may be a part of waltzing into some semblance of adulthood, and is drawn in part from Grant Morrison: I stopped needing to save the world. Saving is what misers do. This has become my current motto. This has led me to turn a bit back to the left, and I am not talking political, or really magical, but personal. Retuning to my own goals and my own movement, it is nice to lose ones direction in a current of another, but ultimately it is destructive.
So here I am back in the cracks between school, state, work and factory between the paranoid that is the past (RIP Art Bell) and the neurotic which destroys the self that it wishes to elevate. We learned much from you Dr. Thomson, I am sure we will continue to learn more.