There are a number of things going on in my life right now, the most significant, that I need to get this conference paper done, is still pressing. The good thing is that I have a direction right now, and will have a draft by the end of the week; I will be using basic conceptions of Habermass Public Spere, not an in depth analysis, and I will also be using some critiques of it (Nancy Frasers f. ex.), however I am hoping to actually get some information from, rather than simply guessing from what they reveal on their site. I also got more distractions as of late, most notably Extraterrestrial Sex Fetish put out by along with this text I picked up Deleuzes Coldness and Cruelty which includes an edition of Sacher-Masochs Venus in Furs. I havent looked at this kind of material (other than Battaile) for a while, at least since I wrote my last paper on Foucault (which after this conference paper, I will clean up for submissions).
I will be grading this weekend, as well as doing significant research, so I need to get the draft done by Friday (6 pages should be no problem for an initial draft), then I need to beef it up a bit. It should take between 8 and 12 mins to read. After I write it, I may put it together as a monologue, rather than an academic narrative.
On more personal notes, an acquaintance was killed on Saturday night. This has been bothering me for some time. Horrible news following a great few days hanging out with Craig. Then there was last night with Pamela, I thought things were getting better, that she was getting better; and indeed we had a great night, but like all nights with her it ended terribly, thus making me more sad. I have been feeling rather blah today, and just want to have a few cold beers, some wings with some friends. Fall is coming in Oxford, the weather is getting to feel academic, I love that feel. I want to work, but I cant concentrate, I want to be close to someone, but I am so alone here. Visit if you want, please visit if you can, and if you are in Cleveland I will be up there in a few weeks.
I will be grading this weekend, as well as doing significant research, so I need to get the draft done by Friday (6 pages should be no problem for an initial draft), then I need to beef it up a bit. It should take between 8 and 12 mins to read. After I write it, I may put it together as a monologue, rather than an academic narrative.
On more personal notes, an acquaintance was killed on Saturday night. This has been bothering me for some time. Horrible news following a great few days hanging out with Craig. Then there was last night with Pamela, I thought things were getting better, that she was getting better; and indeed we had a great night, but like all nights with her it ended terribly, thus making me more sad. I have been feeling rather blah today, and just want to have a few cold beers, some wings with some friends. Fall is coming in Oxford, the weather is getting to feel academic, I love that feel. I want to work, but I cant concentrate, I want to be close to someone, but I am so alone here. Visit if you want, please visit if you can, and if you are in Cleveland I will be up there in a few weeks.
good luck with the paper..I hope things get better for you
Please write more to me! I really admire you and all your writings