So my last lj entry actually inspired some soul to come visit tomorrow. Craig should be her tomorrow shortly after nightfall. Last night Pamela really fucked with me, damn that girl. Today I have spent most of the day avoiding my work, and bathing in my own particular brilliance in bringing together seemingly disparate thoughts. I have basically decided to take it upon myself to join forces with the Neitzschians, the Deluezians, the Foucaultians, and Zizek (I dont think he has ians yet), to tear down the Ego structure, the idea of individuality, and replace it with something useful and more creative (or perhaps simply creation itself). That is, the ego (regardless of radical individualist notions of the sanctity of the self, and Freudian structures of consciousness) survive the death of god. When god dies, all gods die, even the god of the self.
In reading more and more of the history and structure of media and broadcast corporations I am continually fascinated by the belief-claim that the Media is biased towards the left? The claim that the media is liberal. Now if we mean liberal in the free market sense of the word, I can see that, but if we mean it in the pejorative, designating everyone from moderate republicans to communists, we can hardly say that the institutions of the media are too far from the main-stream or the status quo. In any case I am sure I will have more to say about this at a latter date, but having spent the last four weeks delving into the history and formation of mass media, some 60 hours a week, I am more than baffled by the claim.
In reading more and more of the history and structure of media and broadcast corporations I am continually fascinated by the belief-claim that the Media is biased towards the left? The claim that the media is liberal. Now if we mean liberal in the free market sense of the word, I can see that, but if we mean it in the pejorative, designating everyone from moderate republicans to communists, we can hardly say that the institutions of the media are too far from the main-stream or the status quo. In any case I am sure I will have more to say about this at a latter date, but having spent the last four weeks delving into the history and formation of mass media, some 60 hours a week, I am more than baffled by the claim.
hmmm, that explains alot...