Didnt go out last night, stayed in, did reading and played around on-line. I thought of going out, it was Ladies Night at balcony; but frankly I have already become immune to the short skirts and blonde Jessica Simpson clones of Miami. Went to a Students for Kerry meeting yesterday not that impressed, but eh, it was ok. Today I have a shit ton of class to do, I am picking a fight about Foucault, and also slamming someone for really shitty academic writings and straw mew; that shit pisses me off and should be reserved for grade school. Thinking about a new tattoo, based on page 282 of Anti-Oedipus a diagram of Schizoanalysis. Absinth still not here T-shirts still not here, still some reading to do, and things are up in the air for this weekend. Ahhhh ok, on with life life and coffee, but I repeat myself.
More Blogs
Saturday Sep 25, 2004
So I finally heard back from the Summer Program in Switzerland that I… -
Monday Sep 20, 2004
There are a number of things going on in my life right now, the most … -
Wednesday Sep 15, 2004
So my last lj entry actually inspired some soul to come visit tomorro… -
Sunday Sep 12, 2004
Having been some time since my last update, I should refer the reader… -
Saturday Sep 04, 2004
It came, new Absinth! I am happy! Figured out that I can walk around… -
Thursday Sep 02, 2004
Didnt go out last night, stayed in, did reading and played around on-… -
Tuesday Aug 31, 2004
10mins to class, I decided to listen to Internet radio rather than my… -
Monday Aug 30, 2004
Well, I have been readjusting to life in oxford. It has been pretty … -
Friday Aug 27, 2004
The rumors are true, and many of the students at Miami, even the inte… -
Thursday Aug 26, 2004
Another reason I love being at a university: Small Asian women walkin…