It came, new Absinth! I am happy! Figured out that I can walk around with some of it. Erin sent me a great song, gotta love her. Have a bit of a headache, need to work, dont want to ahhh.
yey! You finally got the Absinth! Have fun drinking it biggrin
Didnt go out last night, stayed in, did reading and played around on-line. I thought of going out, it was Ladies Night at balcony; but frankly I have already become immune to the short skirts and blonde Jessica Simpson clones of Miami. Went to a Students for Kerry meeting yesterday not that impressed, but eh, it was ok. Today I have a shit ton of...
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10mins to class, I decided to listen to Internet radio rather than my peers complain about how difficult the reading was. Come on people, this isnt rocket science, hell its not even genetics. Anyway, Eric came down yesterday; we had some spicy garlic wings at Mac & Joes, followed by drinks at Lotti Moons. We ran into Andy Kuss, he joined us for drinks. Sometimes...
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i love reading your entries.
and I love this part:
"Cant get over how good girls smell, yes even the ones who smoke, with that mixture of perfume and prolonged suicide"
love wink
I realized that I said "tragically beautiful" in association with Pamela, I should however note, that Pamela is "pretty" and not "beautiful."
Well, I have been readjusting to life in oxford. It has been pretty much what I expected, and I am more or less disappointed in the digressions this place seems to undergo every year. There are serious problems with this place. Interestingly most of them have nothing to do with the institution of the University itself, but rather the self-imposed normalization processes that the undergraduates...
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i cant. they are now "family"....... whatever
The rumors are true, and many of the students at Miami, even the intelligent ones (i.e., those who get good marks), are rather stupid. I used to condemn the men more than the women, but no more, they are perfect for one another. It is like a costume show, where people walk about as if they are trying to be the photographs in the J....
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Simplicity of character the natural result of profound thought. wink And fuck fashion. Ive learned from the all the people meet that it really has nothing to do with a persons character.. wink
Another reason I love being at a university: Small Asian women walking out of buildings carrying brains in the rain. Weird. Just Weird. I am slowly settling into academic life again. My classes dont seem tough, but a lot of work. In fact, I am trying to figure out how to network my computer to the printer so that I can print my questions for...
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So I ran into an old friend, Mark, last night. He has broken up with his girlfriend of 4 years and is now out on the prowl. He said something about having a bottle of Absinth left form 1998/9 when we made some home brew back in the day; that wouldve been from my third batch ever. I am thinking about making a batch now,...
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Hey! I've always wanted to make my own Absinthe! I have several recipes, but never have gotten around to making some. Perhaps I will someday soon and you can give me some pointers since youve made it before wink
If you decide to make another batch you must let me know how it compares, being aged and all.... skull
Yea, no problem... I have shown ppl in the past how I make it, it is bitter as hell though...
Ok, as per a promise that I made I have begun to put up more pics on my profile. Some of them are a year old, but that isnt that old, right? Today has been a slow day, I went and picked up a bunch of Deleuze from the library, and cooked a bit of food for myself today now it is time for a...
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Hey you added pictures! yippie!!
Thats some seriously GREEN absinthe! What kind is it?!
It is called Mata Hari, it is from Austria and has a wonderfully high thujone content:

Starting to recall things that I forgot. I may be going back to WCH to get them, perhaps today (though I had spoke with Dave about going to Cincy), perhaps tomorrow, perhaps during the week next week. I wont get another check till after classes start, then the following week I will get another. I have to make both those, in combination, last a month....
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