I got my Britain exam back and I am pleased to report it wasn't the academic smackdown I was convinced it would be. I got an 85, which pleases me to no end. It's not an A, but in this class, a B is an A in any other normal history class not run by a bitter old bitch who has turned history into a joyless exercise of memorization. The question that dragged down my score was the one about how the Angevin kings raised revenues. Apparently my response answered the question, but the answer should have been longer. So sue me for being concise. Geez lady! I did get a near perfect score on the final essay, which proves that I do know a thing or three about the conflict between Henry II, the Catholic Church, and their feud over legal jurisdiction in Britain.
My exam in History of Japan is tomorrow. It is on the early Tokugawa era (aka Edo period). I'm sure I'll do okay. I have an A going into the exam, and after this, a paper instead of a final. I love that.
Yesterday I had a complete meltdown. I'm feeling a lot better today.
Weekend is looking pretty good. After a 2 week break because of parties, my D&D group is meeting on Friday for game. Saturday I'm spending with a special friend. I also plan to dye my hair red again. I do that periodically. Everyone loves my hair red, and since I just love external validation, who am I to disagree?
My exam in History of Japan is tomorrow. It is on the early Tokugawa era (aka Edo period). I'm sure I'll do okay. I have an A going into the exam, and after this, a paper instead of a final. I love that.
Yesterday I had a complete meltdown. I'm feeling a lot better today.
Weekend is looking pretty good. After a 2 week break because of parties, my D&D group is meeting on Friday for game. Saturday I'm spending with a special friend. I also plan to dye my hair red again. I do that periodically. Everyone loves my hair red, and since I just love external validation, who am I to disagree?

Well its still been tough. Unfortunately, I just found out that someone in my village has found my on-line journal (how they managed this, I don't know); this is bad as I've been less than complimentary since that kid tried to kill me a few weeks ago, and he was never arrested. *sighs* When it rains it pours. Oh well; everything I wrote was true as well; I really do like a majority of the people here anyway.
I left a message for her this afternoon, in the hopes that we can do something Friday. My impression is that she also had a good time, and that she will say yes.