Thanks for all the welcome backs. Sorry if I haven't replied to the lot of you, but I suggest happy dancing. Even if it is ugly. Cause ugliness should be appreciated. So hm... I left this site in January? I left with out saying a thing! Epic! Well here are some updates.
-Not playing WoW any more, waiting for Conan and Spore to come out
-Joined a contortion class with the late Visha Suicide, now Visha Loo
-Graduating with my BFA in less then a month
-Plans for getting married next year
-Applied to two art therapy schools
-Quit my job so I can focus on school and studies
-Moving back to my parents during the summer
-Active on <-- next best thing if they smooth out all the bugs
-More active on
-Planning a Toronto trip and a Vancouver trip over the summer.
-Toronto Tattoo Fest here I come!
-Been doing a lot more modeling with JT Young, Jeremy+Visha, Twisted Figure, and soon more.
-Got into art performance.
Here are some random photos of myself and also of my new art work.
-Not playing WoW any more, waiting for Conan and Spore to come out
-Joined a contortion class with the late Visha Suicide, now Visha Loo
-Graduating with my BFA in less then a month
-Plans for getting married next year
-Applied to two art therapy schools
-Quit my job so I can focus on school and studies
-Moving back to my parents during the summer
-Active on <-- next best thing if they smooth out all the bugs
-More active on
-Planning a Toronto trip and a Vancouver trip over the summer.
-Toronto Tattoo Fest here I come!
-Been doing a lot more modeling with JT Young, Jeremy+Visha, Twisted Figure, and soon more.
-Got into art performance.
Here are some random photos of myself and also of my new art work.

Excuse me I must now return to the foolishness that is CE.