Imagine a moment of clarity, a moment of passion that actually is on the right track... Everything fitting together...
Imagine a perfect world where the economy gels with everything so that people aren't compelled to set up Buy Nothing Day. Because buying nothing for one day won't make a difference.
Imagine a perfect world where you don't have to be bombarded on the internet to donate to needy charities.
Imagine a perfect world where I could work with children with disabilities and be paid enough to not have to worry about money constantly.
Imagine Buy Nothing Day turning into Make Something Day. And imagine those days being everyday.
I need to make something every day. Every single day of my life. Or how will people remember me?
I think we will remember you for something other than being naked on the internet. I just have that feeling.
Yeah - a "make something day" would be better ... but then again it's just a day, it should be a part of our lifes...