The beginning of the end. In so many ways that sentence really sums up this whole trip for me.
Tomorrow begins the end of my trip to Berlin and London as I will be departing early Sunday morning and heading back to my beloved Vegan metropolis, Portland. I have a lot of mixed emotions about this whole trip and the people and places I've seen. I feel both like I'm coming down off a high, and a relief at the same time.. like I've been mixing speed and alcohol; a dangerous combination.
The irony that springs from the deep well that is this trip never ceases to amaze me. I was out the other night, leaning up against the wall of this club just listening to the music and watching the crowd surge like a flock of birds. Out of nowhere, someone who I'd never spoken to before came up to me and said "Don't count your chickens before they hatch." and walked off. Berlin is a city of psychics, because he couldn't have more accurately described how I was feeling.
There is no spoon.
Tomorrow begins the end of my trip to Berlin and London as I will be departing early Sunday morning and heading back to my beloved Vegan metropolis, Portland. I have a lot of mixed emotions about this whole trip and the people and places I've seen. I feel both like I'm coming down off a high, and a relief at the same time.. like I've been mixing speed and alcohol; a dangerous combination.
The irony that springs from the deep well that is this trip never ceases to amaze me. I was out the other night, leaning up against the wall of this club just listening to the music and watching the crowd surge like a flock of birds. Out of nowhere, someone who I'd never spoken to before came up to me and said "Don't count your chickens before they hatch." and walked off. Berlin is a city of psychics, because he couldn't have more accurately described how I was feeling.
There is no spoon.