Cheers from London, bitches!
I woke up at about 4:30 am this morning because I was paranoid about missing my train / plane to London. It was a good choice because the Alexanderplatz station is FUCKING CONFUSING. Anyways... all is well and I made it to the airport (obviously). All the hostels were booked for Easter weekend, but I managed to find one that had a cancellation, so I got a bed for tonight and tomorrow night. I'm not even planning on being in London tonight, but I figured I'd get a place so I could have somewhere to lock up my stuff and shower and whatnot.
It seems that every day on this trip something interesting has happened. Yesterday I was walking around in Berlin trying to meet up with a friend, and I got interviewed by MTV-Berlin. It's funny really.. they told me I'd definitely be on TV, but I don't even know if I'm going to be in Germany on the day it airs because I'm trying to make it to Paris. So if you happen to get German MTV, watch for me making a fool of myself. They tried to get me to sing Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit, but that didn't happen.
I have 2 potential slogans for Berlin
1: Belin has it All (Taken from an amazing independent artists place.)
2: Berlin: City of Graffiti (Seriously, I've never seen more graffiti in my fucking life.)
I don't know what's up for today but I just wanted to check in. I miss Portland, and all the good vegan food.
<3 thinking of you all my intarw3b friends.
I woke up at about 4:30 am this morning because I was paranoid about missing my train / plane to London. It was a good choice because the Alexanderplatz station is FUCKING CONFUSING. Anyways... all is well and I made it to the airport (obviously). All the hostels were booked for Easter weekend, but I managed to find one that had a cancellation, so I got a bed for tonight and tomorrow night. I'm not even planning on being in London tonight, but I figured I'd get a place so I could have somewhere to lock up my stuff and shower and whatnot.
It seems that every day on this trip something interesting has happened. Yesterday I was walking around in Berlin trying to meet up with a friend, and I got interviewed by MTV-Berlin. It's funny really.. they told me I'd definitely be on TV, but I don't even know if I'm going to be in Germany on the day it airs because I'm trying to make it to Paris. So if you happen to get German MTV, watch for me making a fool of myself. They tried to get me to sing Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit, but that didn't happen.
I have 2 potential slogans for Berlin
1: Belin has it All (Taken from an amazing independent artists place.)
2: Berlin: City of Graffiti (Seriously, I've never seen more graffiti in my fucking life.)
I don't know what's up for today but I just wanted to check in. I miss Portland, and all the good vegan food.
<3 thinking of you all my intarw3b friends.
Sounds like you're having fun, yay
and send me a postcard!!