Time: 11:44 PM
Drink: Vanilla Edensoy
Music: Dark, Dirty, Rolling Drum & Bass
If I could tell you in a simple way all the things I try to do to make sure I'm happy, I think it would boil down to a list similar to this:
The Amitabha Guide to Being Happy
1: Don't compromise your beliefs for other people. Making deals that oppose your fundamental values will only serve to dissatisfy you. You're better off living with yourself and the ideals you stand behind than pretending that compromise doesn't bother you.
2: Dance. I'm not talking about that "Dance like no on is watching" fucking lame inspirational quote. I honestly think that dancing, singing, and immersing yourself in music is very healing. My personal venue of choice for such an event would be a warehouse party with 15ft tall walls of sound and more bass bins than you can count. That or the Disorient sound system @ BM.
3: Realize that you don't have to be successful at every goal you set for yourself feel fulfilled, all you have to do is give it your best shot. Someone once said that "The first step in getting what you want is this: Decide what you want." And while you may not know what you want right now, I'd say that a good first step in the right direction is to pursue every inspiration you've had and see where they take you. You're not guaranteed to be the best, but you're guaranteed the satisfaction of knowing that you'll never be sitting back thinking "I wonder how my life would have been if Id ______."
4: Smile. I don't care how unhappy you are, just do me one favor and try it. I'm not talking about those fake smiles you pass off to people when you walk by them in the hall. I mean when you're walking down the sidewalk by yourself, or in your car, or where ever, just smile. It works wonders. In some of my most memorable experiences of unhappiness I've felt much better by just smiling and trying to remember all the things that used to seem so bad to me, which now seem so trivial, and realizing that this was just another one of those occasions.
5: Don't ever let yourself get comfortable. When you get comfortable, you get lazy, and when you get lazy you get unhappy. Always challenge yourself, be it mentally, physically, financially, or spiritually. Drastic change in your life is one of those things that invites growth, it encourages travel, breaks old habits, new mindsets, and new challenges that can be very positive influences over your life. Your mantra should be "Stay out of the comfort zone." Whenever you feel yourself settling down into that zone, even if you're happy, start thinking about what's next.
6: Get off your lazy ass and exercise! Take Yoga, get a bike and ride it often, rock climb, lift weights, play sports, do what ever the hell it is that you enjoy, but for god sakes turn off the tv and leave the house!
7: Realize that you are living in an endless sea of choices, and that every minute of every day you make decisions, even if your decision is indecision. Think about the fact that you are responsible for your own mental state and that your being unhappy is something you have the power to change. I know this all sounds cheesy but really.. once you realize that you decide when to be happy and when to be sad, you'll start being happy more often, and sad less often.
8: Eat good quality food! It amazes me how many people I meet who don't even seem to realize the impact that the food you eat has on your body. If you eat shitty low quality food all the time, that's going to be reflected in your level of health, and your mental state. My goal, if nothing else, is to eat good meals every day. Think about how you feel after you go out and have a really good, high quality, meal and then contrast that to how you feel when you eat fast food or junk. People will spend so much money on external care products but don't even give a second thought to the kinds of products they put in their mouth, and it doesn't make any sense. Good food = good health = higher quality of life = happiness. period.
9: Don't let yourself believe that you would be happier if you were with someone. How do you expect to make anyone else happy if you're not happy in the first place? People are attracted to the positive energy of someone who is satisfied with their own life, not someone who needs a host to depend on. Maybe this is just my own thing, but I constantly catch myself talking to myself, making jokes and then laughing at them, and other weird shit like that, and it makes me realize that if you're not comfortable with your own company, then no one else will be either.
10: This quote "The simple truth: What you love, you are."
Drink: Vanilla Edensoy
Music: Dark, Dirty, Rolling Drum & Bass
If I could tell you in a simple way all the things I try to do to make sure I'm happy, I think it would boil down to a list similar to this:
The Amitabha Guide to Being Happy
1: Don't compromise your beliefs for other people. Making deals that oppose your fundamental values will only serve to dissatisfy you. You're better off living with yourself and the ideals you stand behind than pretending that compromise doesn't bother you.
2: Dance. I'm not talking about that "Dance like no on is watching" fucking lame inspirational quote. I honestly think that dancing, singing, and immersing yourself in music is very healing. My personal venue of choice for such an event would be a warehouse party with 15ft tall walls of sound and more bass bins than you can count. That or the Disorient sound system @ BM.
3: Realize that you don't have to be successful at every goal you set for yourself feel fulfilled, all you have to do is give it your best shot. Someone once said that "The first step in getting what you want is this: Decide what you want." And while you may not know what you want right now, I'd say that a good first step in the right direction is to pursue every inspiration you've had and see where they take you. You're not guaranteed to be the best, but you're guaranteed the satisfaction of knowing that you'll never be sitting back thinking "I wonder how my life would have been if Id ______."
4: Smile. I don't care how unhappy you are, just do me one favor and try it. I'm not talking about those fake smiles you pass off to people when you walk by them in the hall. I mean when you're walking down the sidewalk by yourself, or in your car, or where ever, just smile. It works wonders. In some of my most memorable experiences of unhappiness I've felt much better by just smiling and trying to remember all the things that used to seem so bad to me, which now seem so trivial, and realizing that this was just another one of those occasions.
5: Don't ever let yourself get comfortable. When you get comfortable, you get lazy, and when you get lazy you get unhappy. Always challenge yourself, be it mentally, physically, financially, or spiritually. Drastic change in your life is one of those things that invites growth, it encourages travel, breaks old habits, new mindsets, and new challenges that can be very positive influences over your life. Your mantra should be "Stay out of the comfort zone." Whenever you feel yourself settling down into that zone, even if you're happy, start thinking about what's next.
6: Get off your lazy ass and exercise! Take Yoga, get a bike and ride it often, rock climb, lift weights, play sports, do what ever the hell it is that you enjoy, but for god sakes turn off the tv and leave the house!
7: Realize that you are living in an endless sea of choices, and that every minute of every day you make decisions, even if your decision is indecision. Think about the fact that you are responsible for your own mental state and that your being unhappy is something you have the power to change. I know this all sounds cheesy but really.. once you realize that you decide when to be happy and when to be sad, you'll start being happy more often, and sad less often.
8: Eat good quality food! It amazes me how many people I meet who don't even seem to realize the impact that the food you eat has on your body. If you eat shitty low quality food all the time, that's going to be reflected in your level of health, and your mental state. My goal, if nothing else, is to eat good meals every day. Think about how you feel after you go out and have a really good, high quality, meal and then contrast that to how you feel when you eat fast food or junk. People will spend so much money on external care products but don't even give a second thought to the kinds of products they put in their mouth, and it doesn't make any sense. Good food = good health = higher quality of life = happiness. period.
9: Don't let yourself believe that you would be happier if you were with someone. How do you expect to make anyone else happy if you're not happy in the first place? People are attracted to the positive energy of someone who is satisfied with their own life, not someone who needs a host to depend on. Maybe this is just my own thing, but I constantly catch myself talking to myself, making jokes and then laughing at them, and other weird shit like that, and it makes me realize that if you're not comfortable with your own company, then no one else will be either.
10: This quote "The simple truth: What you love, you are."