
Check out this SG Hopeful, she is absolutely beautiful ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’–


she is a beautiful and your set perfect,ย  #turnherpink
@lidryem I'm not even sure if she is active on SG....

Welcoming to my collection:

Neo-Queen Serenity, Small Lady, and King Endymion.

I love them! ๐Ÿ˜„

they are cute :3
@donawhale I can't wait til I can put them on my shelf, I love Neo Queen Serenity. I have Baby Groots, Catwoman, Harley Quinns, and a Lara Croft, and a mini Sailor Moon.

I wasn't a member of SG for a few years, I came back last year, and I just now found out one of my favorites, that I saw from the First Tour DVD, Stormy, passed away in 2015 ๐Ÿ˜ข

I really did cry when I found out, even though it's 2018 now. Watching that was what got me into Suicide Girls, and I thought she...
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Omg Iโ€™m sorry :(

I really wish I could go see the Blackheart Burlesque show in Saint Louis. I've always missed them, and I love to watch dancing, and always enjoy things like this. I have to save money for a possible 2 weeks off at the end of March and beginning of April. I'm really hoping to not have that much time off, but I can't prevent it....
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Yuki isn't part of Suicide Girls anymore, but for my love of Sailor Moon, this is one of my favorite, and remembered sets, plus I love pink, and sequins.

Sailor Yuki

So, I have decided to renew my SG membership another year. Too many sets I am looking forward to, to not renew it.

When I originally joined SG, it was because I wanted to be a Suicide Girl...not saying I don't still want to, but I don't do well with rejection, and I've changed a lot since when I joined, so I don't even know...
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Love having you here in any capacity.ย  I can totally understand not wanting to go for suicide girl.ย  If you do try I wouldn't see not getting your set bought as " rejection".ย  Doing your best and making good art are what it's about.ย  It's more important to make something that you're proud of and represents who you are, than to make something that will sell.ย  The selfish part of me hopes you go for it.ย  :)
๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š yes!!

Anyone have trouble making or keeping friends? I get really lonely, because I really have no friends. I try to talk to other women, and they rarely even reply back to me. I'm not interested in having male friends.

I have a boyfriend, but he's an alcoholic... I really don't think we will last though.

Also, they did cut my hours at work, so I'm...
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I feel you on that. I really don' have many friends outside this community and I have maybe a half dozen I talk to on a regular basis. You are a pretty cool person. Don' stop trying. There are a ot of pretty chill women here
Hmmmmm, never turn down a chance for friendship, whetherย it be male, female or even a squirrelย in the park, or pigeon by a bench. True friends, & love are at times, maybe always very hard to find. Sometimes it finds you. Always keep an open mind.