I pierced my septum. twice. wanna see ?
I chipped my tooth at a show when I got an elbow to the face and it hit my lip ring.
still haven't gotten that fixed. slacker status.
I also did my hair today.
I didn't get a call back from the place I applied for, I had an interview today- and it went alright.
kinda blows that no one really wants to take me seriously. lame.
Just means I'm going to take a long soapy shower, watch some how I met your mother and cuddle up to this big summbitch.
I'm so lucky to have that furball, he's the best man ever.
Oh, and because I dig you guys- I have some pics
I don't know if anyone on my friends is from CO, or if they even read this,
but X-games this weekend !!!
Not so stoked to freeze my ass off, but still stoked for it.
Aspen is one of my favorites around here.
Anyways, shower time !
XO Amillie

I chipped my tooth at a show when I got an elbow to the face and it hit my lip ring.
still haven't gotten that fixed. slacker status.
I also did my hair today.

I didn't get a call back from the place I applied for, I had an interview today- and it went alright.
kinda blows that no one really wants to take me seriously. lame.
Just means I'm going to take a long soapy shower, watch some how I met your mother and cuddle up to this big summbitch.

I'm so lucky to have that furball, he's the best man ever.
Oh, and because I dig you guys- I have some pics

I don't know if anyone on my friends is from CO, or if they even read this,
but X-games this weekend !!!
Not so stoked to freeze my ass off, but still stoked for it.
Aspen is one of my favorites around here.
Anyways, shower time !
XO Amillie
It's unanimous...nice booty!

That dbl piercing is complete insanity.