Hello SG land !
It's been a little while, my life has been getting cuuuurazy hectic lately.
I have to get surgery to fix my nose because gymnastics is one hell of a sport.
So besides the month recovery, I'm looking forward to it for two reasons
A) no more doctors appointments that are an hour away from where I live &
B) I can make plans without having to cancel because next week I'll be knocked the fuck out to be operated on.
Besides that I'm a pretty happy girl. I have my best friend by my side so everything is good.
My phone isn't sending pics straight to the blog like it's suppose to so I'll download & upload pics to this tomorrow.
I would tonight but the boy, bestfriend & I went to a party with some old friends & drank a tiny bit.
Far from drunk but I am a bit buzzed and just want to eat my wontons and go the eff to sleep.
One last thing, stay B O S S
XO Amillie
It's been a little while, my life has been getting cuuuurazy hectic lately.
I have to get surgery to fix my nose because gymnastics is one hell of a sport.
So besides the month recovery, I'm looking forward to it for two reasons
A) no more doctors appointments that are an hour away from where I live &
B) I can make plans without having to cancel because next week I'll be knocked the fuck out to be operated on.
Besides that I'm a pretty happy girl. I have my best friend by my side so everything is good.
My phone isn't sending pics straight to the blog like it's suppose to so I'll download & upload pics to this tomorrow.
I would tonight but the boy, bestfriend & I went to a party with some old friends & drank a tiny bit.
Far from drunk but I am a bit buzzed and just want to eat my wontons and go the eff to sleep.
One last thing, stay B O S S

XO Amillie