Feeling crazy! No job prospects. Deejaying, Good at it, but no gigs. One of my good friends just past. Feeling indeifferent about Delilah. Broke. No smoke. Hurting. Dammit! And I am supposed to be the strong one....................................

Okay...That was me at @;30 am. Now i am a lil more level headed. I was kinda down cuz I just got word that one of my boys jairo, O.D'ed out in Cali last night. Nobody knows all the details though. i guess I will wear the t-shirt he made me in rememberance. other than that, I can keep my head up. Been broke before, Will be broke again, but not for long.

i did get your mix, and i thought it was fabulous. it started off slow and then built up very nicely.